19 August 2005

Day XLIII -- 28 days

So why did we think buying a house (oh, 'cause it's bought pending the sale of our current house) just before football season when Husband is also writing a book, the babysitters are back in school, I'm working full-time, I have my walk and two conferences in September and we still have many projects to complete was a good idea? Just wondering.

Guess this nixes my trip to C-town this weekend. Grreat! Responsibilities ROCK!

I hope Jack is ready for three months of hustle bustle and clearing everything out and just plain old craziness. I think he'll appreciate all our hard work next spring and summer when he's just a few yards from a lake and huge park. That's what has to motivate me.

Cleaning, trashing, painting, trashing, clearing, cleaning. Anyone want to come visit? May have some things you could help me with...

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