23 March 2006


I really think it's time for Jack to give up his bottle. I mean I know the doctor has told us that for months but when the kid can open the fridge, grab the half gallon of milk, get a bottle out of the dishwasher with a nipple and top and then bring it to you while you are in the laundry room, I think that's a clear indication he's too old for the "Bot-tell!"

After a whirlwind few weeks, Husband to Indy, Husband to Dayton, Jack to the D, me to St. Louis, me to NYC, we are finally settled ... sort of ... tons of our stuff is still in storage and at our old house (no, we haven't sold it yet) and we have stuff at the 'rents house we are picking up this weekend. Oh, and next weekend? I head to SC for a bachelorette party with my friends. (Really glad I have lost the weight I needed to ... Just kidding!! Will that ever happen?)

And I feel a cold creeping. My throat is scratchy and my noise is itchy. I don't see a respite any time soon. In April, I get back from SC and we have Easter, an in-law wedding, a trip to Fla. In May, we have a wedding and a trip to Vegas for me. In June, we have another wedding up north and I have a bridal shower. July, Jack's 2nd birthday, a trip to Nashville and two more weddings.

Helloo August? Are you out there?

10 March 2006


It seems somewhat ironic to me that today begins the most hectic/insane period and I am posting #13. Let' s hope it's not a sign.

We closed on the house in Okemos Wednesday. That night we managed two loads from the old house and then had to pack Husband for his weekend. Last night, I unloaded one car and parked the other (filled to the brim) in the garage. Jack wasn't really interested in me doing any unpacking or unloading and of course he had a stinker diaper while we were there.

Today, the g-rents arrive so they can let in the plumber and cable guy. Dad has to detach the washer and dryer at the old house so when the movers come tomorrow they can take it. This morning I wrestled with the cable box and couldn't get it to let go of the VCR so I just took both, still attached. They must have tools, right? I wonder if they need a TV to set it up? We'll see I guess. @#$^ I didn't even think of that until just now... Dad will know. Tonight we sleep at the new place on air mattresses. Let's hope the b-ball team loses so Husband can come home to help.

Jack is having a blast in the new house. Of course there's no furniture now so he's kicking his ball around -- through the living room, into the dining room, in the kitchen, in the family room and again. Then he flies up the stairs and into the room he picked and giggles... and then he goes again. The kid is in heaven.

Sunday I leave for St. Louis until Thursday. Husband will likely be gone the entire week as well. Jack goes to T-Town. Good luck to Ga and Ma, I say!! I am worried about being gone so long. He's a bit of a Mama's boy and I want to keep it that way.

02 March 2006


I'm not embarrassed to admit I like American Idol. Maybe I should be -- but I honestly enjoy it.

I like seeing what crazy outfits the girls come up with (never flattering by the way) and what songs they choose and the reeming from Simon. I like to try to figure out if Paula is on drugs (because we think she is) and get annoyed by Randy and his "dawgs."

In a time where TV offers little for entertainment, it's nice to have something new to watch.

But the real reason I like watching AI is to see my son bop along. Jack could be, should be and maybe one day will be involved with entertainment. As you all know, he loves to dance but these days he's all about singing too. He has a little routine going that's priceless.

When a preformer is on who he likes, he immediately jumps up to dance. He grabs his play drumstick for a microphone, stands to the left of the TV set and sings along. He dances with passion, punching the air at the climax, dancing in the musical interludes and then claps when it's over. Now, there are songs (and Idol hopefuls) he doesn't care for -- in those instances he sticks out his tongue and says, "Blech!"

On Tuesday, he added to his ritual when he flipped over our ottman and stood in the center of it to perform creating a "stage."

Husband was working in his office and missed his performance, his committment to excellence. So when he came to hang out, I told him about it. He just laughed said it was cute but I knew he'd be blown away if he actually saw it unfold. So I told Jack to perform for Daddy.
And what did he say? "No."
That was that. Husband missed out on a moment in time that I will never forget -- or so I thought.

Last night we rented Walk the Line -- the movie about Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash. It was really quite good. (Reese better win the big O.) And there is music throughout. Jack loved it. We thought for sure he'd fall asleep after he realized it wasn't an Elmo movie but he hung on for a while jamming to the Cash classics. Then all of the sudden I noticed he'd set up his stage. He was rummaging through his toybox for one of his drum sticks. He climbed into the ottoman and sang his heart out.

Pretty big accomplishment to sing with Cash at 19 months.