19 July 2005

Day XXVII -- 11

Of course as soon as we got into the doctor's office Jack was a new man. He'd spent the day either sleeping or literally moaning but as soon as he was weighed in, he was "uh-ohing", peek-a-booing and clapping.

I felt like an ass.

But when the doctor came in, he slowed down. He was way too cooperative as she examined him. He didn't act very busy and not once did he try to play with the sink or crinkle around on the paper lining on the examination table. These are clear signs of sickness.

Diagnosis: a virus. We have to ride it out.

No school for the kiddie today. (Which in about seven years is going to be music to his ears...)

Husband reports he's already acting more like himself today -- tearing apart the remote, clearing tables, dancing to commercials...

What a relief.

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