08 July 2005

Day XX -- 21

Jack brought home his first finger painting project today. Of course he had used red paint-- consistently his favorite color. The paper was crinkled where he obviously decided to crunch up the medium. (For Father’s Day they had the kids do toe painting (also red) which was interesting to scrub off his tootsies.)

He came home with a smear on his nose and elbow and red on his clothes. Ahhh, the beginning of school projects.

Soon it will be the night before, after dinner, and he will “remember” he has a paper to write and it has to rhyme, or he’ll volunteer me to supply baked goodies for a school fair and forget to tell me until we are on our way or he’ll depend on me to come up with his science project … the nightmare is closing in.

School is now a joy for Jack. Husband said when he dropped him off yesterday, he panted and cheered at the sight of the school and scurried off once he was in his classroom. (See ya, Dad!)

Husband thinks he’s just sick of us from our cross-country tour. Very, very possible. He didn’t have that usual thrill when I got home from work yesterday.

Maybe he needs a vacation from our vacation.

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