03 April 2006


Well, Jack is obviously sick of me being on the road. He and his dad picked me up from the airport yesterday and besides a quick "Mama!" He cold shouldered me for the trip. Even when I tried to bribe him with pretzel sticks, he didn't crack a smile.

So I wonder if he'll be happy to know that I am headed on another weeklong whirlwind next month. Yup, I am going to guess he'll have the same reaction as Husband. A sigh and a shake of the head. Such is life I guess.

Three trips down, one to go. That's not bad, right? Right?!!

Jack is finally starting to eat. And he wants to eat whatever we are eating. It doesn't matter if its salsa or gorganzola cheese, he's going to dip his finger in, suck it off and say... "MMmmm..." or he may say "hot." Everything is hot if there's anything unusual about it. Ice cream, hot. Sour, hot. Salty, hot.

We keep trying to tell him the correct words but he insists that a brain freeze from ice cream is "hot."

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