18 April 2006


Jack has a new act for his show. Animal noises. Last night I was wearing an Alabama T-shirt (left over from my days down South) and he pointed to the mascot and said: Elephant. True, it didn't exactly come out pronounced correctly but both Husband and I were shocked once again by his brilliance.

So then he went on to do his animal noises, adding in the latest -- elephant. I tried to show him how you can turn your arm into a trunk but it didn't exactly turn out for him, instead his fist was shoved in his mouth and a muffled shrill came out.

Next, the ducky. This is my favorite. He's got the quack down perfect but the best part, the unbelievably adorable part, is the flapping of his arms. He folds his baby arms into a v-wing and flaps them around. My description doesn't do it justice.

Husband's favorite: The dragon. He roars and stretches his arms out in an "attack" mode. He doesn't have the arms down quite as well and often ends up looking like Superman with a bad attitude.

The cow: This is also a new addition to his bag of tricks. Grandma worked with him on this during a drive through MSU's farms. He remembered what to do even after a brief tutorial. Sadly, there's no real choreography to go with it.

The dog: We had to brush up on this one. He obviously doesn't enjoy it as much as the others and often tries to come up with a bark that sounds more like the roar of the dragon. However, seeing puppies on TV now brings a little bark from his lips.

Kitty: He still hisses. I've tried to get Jack to meow but thanks to Hagan (now happily living on a farm, right?!!) consistently hissing at Daddy, my child will always believe hissing is the cat's first noise ... of course, there may be some truth to that.

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