15 November 2006


Jack's Christmas education has begun. It's funny how quickly he has caught on -- to the gift-giving part.

This past weekend we began to clean and decorate for the upcoming holidays. Some people may think it's crazy but it's already halfway through November and Thanksgiving is only a week a way... so I say: start spreading the Christmas around.

The tree is up.
The garland is looping.
The stockings are hanging.
Now is my yard winterized? C'mon, that doesn't sound like fun.
Is my garage cleaned out so we can park the cars inside when the snow starts coming? That's just funny.

On Sunday Jack found some of his gifts. I caught him climbing on the dining room table and digging through a box to find stuff. I couldn't believe it! I heard the crinkle of a plastic bag, ran in there to find him holding the prize in the air and yelling, "Happy Tu-Tu Mama! Happy Tu-Tu!" Terrible hiding job by mom. I am actually hesitant to hide things too well because I know I will forget where I put them. But if @ 2 he can already find stuff what will happen when he's 8 and actually searching?

As of now, he gets Santa Claus. Every time he sees a picture, he calls out his name and shortly follows with the "Happy Tu-Tu Jack!" I am trying to talk to him about the true meaning of Christmas but I think the whole Christianity thing may be a little heavy for his age.

Of course, he was playing with the figures from my nativity scene the other day. I am not really sure if that's what the monk who made it for my Papa had in mind. Pretty sure a red sports car was not at the manger when Jesus was born.

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