30 August 2007


One week to go, almost.
We just had our second to last appointment and the baby continues to measure big. And I am big. And tired. And sore. I just don't remember these aliments first time round.

Jack's excitement continues to grow about Rex. (at least I think...) Last night he was telling me that babies can't talk. He was demonstrating different cries the baby could use to try to talk. "That's how babies talk, Mama." He's so smart. How'd he even come up with that?

And then he told me he plans to kiss and tickle his toes. And he wondered if I realized that babies go potty in diapers.

He's obviously been thinking about this for a while.

Tonight we clear out the babies room for the painter tomorrow. I am very, very excited to get that room together. I don't know if I will wash many of "boy" items just in case. Although, I am pretty confident our boy to girl ratio will continue to grow with R2's arrival.

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