06 August 2007


Jack continues to be a speech sponge. Anything you say can and will be used against you. His latest? "Knock it off" and "Oh, man!" We have a suspect for "Knock it off" but we're just not sure where he learned to say, "Oh, mannnnn." And of course, he uses these phrases appropriately -- and often.

This weekend we went to a Baseball Tigers game. Jack wasn't pleased to find we didn't have a seat for him. Three and under gets in free. And of course, we were sandwiched by other fans so there were no extra seats. We had to negotiate to get him to give up his seat for Daddy. But he wasn't happy about it and reminded his father often that he'd given up his seat for him.

And when they announced Magglio, he said to us, "Magglio?! I know Magglio. Hey! Daddy! Magglio!" (And that's when you know there's too much baseball on TV at home.)

Potty training has been going really, really well. He's an old pro. So it really surprised Daddy when his son chickened out at the public restroom and ran out the in door. During the busy game. Leaving a frantic Daddy behind. I was in the girls room when this all occurred but Gramma said you could tell it hadn't gone well when he spotted Jack being carried down the stairs. He stuck with me for the rest of the game.

I think it will be the Saturday night fireworks that stick with Jack. He loved them all. And with each boom he'd say, "That wasn't too loud!" or "Wow! That's cool." He even made friends with a White Sox fan who couldn't resist his pure joy.

On a side note, his teachers were asking him last week if I was having a boy or a girl baby. And Jack told them, "We're having a Baby Rex." And when they tried to follow up and explain, he grew frustrated and said sternly. "No! We're having a BA-BY REX!" They thought this was hilarious of course.

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