28 January 2009


A request or game is floating around Facebook that asks for people's top 25 random thoughts. I wrote mine twice and then somehow lost them twice before I was able to post it on my wall. But it gave me a quick and easy avenue on how to update on life.

1. I am too tired to be blogging but I am wrought with guilt because it's been so neglected.
2. My feet are icicles but I am too cold to get of bed and get socks.
3. I hate winter.
4. I hate basketball season more. It adds stress and makes my life disorganized and annoying.
5. Brennan had a terrible day today which worries me ... could the Terrible Twos arrive early?
6. Jack threw up this week for the first time in his memory. Poor Ma was here and had to talk him through it when he panicked and thought he couldn't breathe.
7. Every day B is saying more words ... he's super close on "I love you" but also says ... More, No, Up, Down, ni-ni (night-night), bye, GA, hiya!, Ga-ga (that's Ma), Baba (that's Jack also known as Ack), Mama (this one is rare) and on Saturday he said "Hi Ted" to Stina's dog.
8. Jack is the smartest person I have ever met.
9. Work is way harder then anyone ever tells you ... but so is life I guess.
10. I am closing in on 35 and my to-do list is still very long.
11. Jack continues to want a little sister.
12. This economy is outta control. I am trying not to think about it too much.
13. I have been tired for more than five years.
14. I am finally going to the doctor for my numbness and pain on my right side. Super excited to find out what is going on. That is sarcasm.
15. I am tempted to sweep up 50 percent of the toys and sell them on eBay. The boys wouldn't notice they have so much.
16. I got an ipod for my birthday but I still have not downloaded anything on it because our home computer is not set up.
17. Brennan is moaning in his sleep right now. Why am I awake?
18. I am thinking about retiring this blog. I never do it and no one will even read this for months because I hardly ever update anyway.
19. Joe is in Iowa. I am used to it.
20. The peanut butter scare confirms that I should not give my kids peanut butter ... ever.
21. I love chocolate bumpy cake by Saunders although the fake bumpy cake I had for my birthday was pretty darn delicious.
22. Ga liked his day at MIS for his present. And the food in Greektown was fabulous.
23. It was awesome to go the movies and dinner with girlfriends (and Stina) for my birthday. Really nice especially since Joe had to cover the MSU v. NW game ... MSU lost. So totally worth it.
24. Jack says he wants to make movies when he grows up. I believe he will if he wants to ... he's just that guy.
25. Brennan never stops.


Tera Darnell said...

I will be very sad if you retire the boys' blog. You will start to have more time...

Anonymous said...

and even though i'm rarely on the interweb and you probably didn't even know i stalked you here i would be very sad, too.