05 January 2009


I kinda forgot I had a blog. I am so wrapped up in everything else that is slipped my mind. I stand committed in 09 to four posts a month minimum ... Three more to go for January.

Tonight we went to Elsie to visit our nanny's new baby Alivia. My boys fell in love with her instantly. Literally. Brennan couldn't have loved her more. He just wanted to be around her and touch her and smile at her. It was precious. Of course Joe and I freaked when he went for her head but Alisha calmly talked him through being gentle. I realized I need to be more vigilant about nail cutting. He was calling her what sounded like "baby" but it could've been a stretch.

Oh ... and they were thrilled to see "Sha" ... another scream for her. Since leaving Jack has asked me maybe a million times when she's coming back.

Getting ready for bed Jack announced he would like a sister.

Something like: "Mama. I think it would be OK to have a gril."
"Yes. And I want her to be as little as Baby Alivia. She was so cute and so little."
"That would be nice. I do love babies. But what we would we name her?"
"Mona. 'Member?"
"Right, right. So she would be Ramona Elizabeth Rexrode? But I like Caroline."
"I like Caroline. I have a deal. Let's do Ramona Caroline Rexrode. OK?"
"That could work ..."
"OR we could do Caroline Ramona Rexrode. Yes! That's it."
"But what if we have a boy?"
"I guess that would be OK. But what would we name him?"
"Well, we were thinking Joseph."
"OK. Patrick Joseph. That works."

Sometimes I am just like ... where did he come from?

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