04 March 2008


Actual conversation... 3.4.08

"So, Mama, are the babies in your tummy yet?"
I was sitting on the laptop working on stuff for work. I wasn't sure I heard him correctly, so I ignored him.
"Mama!! 'Member?! I tollllld you. I want two babies this time. A boy and a Gril."
This is about the second time he's told me he's ready for me to have another baby.
"Sorry buddy. No babies."
"But Maaa-Maaa. Wouldn't it be nice to name the babies Jackie and Brennan?"
"Jack! We won't name new babies the same names as you and your brother."
"Why not? When will the new babies come?"
"I don't know Jackie. I don't think for a long time."
"Oh. Can we get a dog?"

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