03 October 2006


"Hi, Uncle Fred!"

He said it so clearly, so naturally we all kind of stopped what we were doing. Uncle had just walked in the door and Jack was upstairs looking down.

"Hiya Jack!"

Yesterday, Daddy couldn't find his keys.

"Did you look in your pockets?" Jack asked. "Or under the couch? Hmmm... I wonder where they are?"

Last night at pick up, I asked him if he wanted to take a cracker snack for the road. (They have a little giveaway basket at school as you walk out.)

"No Mama. I will wait and get crackers at home."

OK. Jeesh. So when did he become like 12?

His talking is out of control. He is not a 2-worder any longer. (Of course, you get him on the phone and roars and pretends to be Lion King in his roary voice.)

My dad keeps saying we have to record him. I agree. But then, of course, we don't. The stuff that comes out of that kid's mouth! He notices everything, and he comments with these really specific observations. I bet at least once a day I stop and stare at the kid in disbelief.

I told him we were going to K-Zoo a while back to visit Daddy's grandparents and aunt and uncle. He knew who I was talking about. He started listing names.

Last night it was raining. When it thundered, he said, "Oohh Mama, thunder." Where did he even pick that up?

But get him to pick say his colors and he ignores you. Literally. Pretends you aren't talking to him. He couldn't care less that bananas are yellow and apples are red. Now, he'll tell you that he eats them. And when he last ate them. But he's just not so much interested in their hues.

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