21 August 2008


Another 100 down.

Jack has informed us he plans to meet his wife at a dance club. This was an unprovoked, out of nowhere conversation. And when Joe asked him if he even knew what a dance club was he said ...

"Daddy! It's a place where you go and dance and play games."

That's just about right.

This weekend begins the whirlwind we like to call fall. We head to South Haven tomorrow to celebrate Ma's birthday; San Francisco next weekend to see our Cali. friends and go to the Cal v. MSU game; a wedding the following weekend; Brennan's Big Bash the next weekend ... and then every home game EVERY home game we have either people staying or meeting us somewhere. OSU will be a possible sibling weekend but also a memorial tailgate for our friend who passed away this spring; Notre Dame is our anniversary and parties all over; Homecoming brings Joe's friends into town. When will I ever have a minute to rest again?

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