11 September 2006


Jack's sick. I guess now that the weather has turned cold, I should have expected it. It has just been so long.

Friday night he threw up all over me, the leather couch and then later his pops. After letting loose, he acted like a whole new kid. We hoped he'd just eaten something that didn't agree with him.

Saturday afternoon he and I went shopping with the G-rents. He was a nightmare. Extremely clingy, irrational and just bad. This is not totally uncommon being 2 and all but the three of us were not surprised when I took his temperature and it registered a 101.9.

Sunday he laid around all day. And took two naps. Two naps are insane considering he rarely takes one. He tossed and turned all night. Now I am home with him (after being at work this morning) so Husband can go to work for two hours. @ 1 we'll take him to the doctor. I will head back to work and he will go home with Daddy.

Another day where I wish I was a stay@home mom.

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