16 January 2006


Another weekend passes without anything too exciting. Husband spent half of it in Columbus, Ohio. Whoo-hoo!

Jack is now doing this screaming thing. Not really sure what it's about but he sounds like a girl. He just does it whenever for no reason. It's not like we're telling him no or punishing him. Nope, he'll be playing with his toys and all of the sudden SHRIEK!!!! It's awful and I want it to stop. Whoever taught him that deserves a swift kick in the rear.

On a more positive note, he is getting ridiculously good at listening and following directions. If you say to him, "Jack, want to go bye-bye?" He will immediately get up, turn the TV off and walk to find his jacket. If he feels you are taking too long to get ready, he will get your jacket and bring it too you. Yesterday he even brought me my shoes.

"Jack, let's go take a bath...." he runs to the stairs to wait for me to go upstairs together.
"Jack, Mama has to go change the laundry..." he runs to the basement stairs.
"Jack, want some dinner?...." he runs to the high chair.
"Jack, it's time to change your diaper." ... he runs and grabs a diaper, then the wipes and then comes to me.

And when I pick him up from school, he's all smiles. He waves and yells, "Hiya Mom!!" and immediately runs to his little cubby to grab his coat.

It's truly amazing to watch. I know it doesn't seem like a huge feat for non-parents but when you watch someone go from a teeny-tiny speck on an ultrasound to this -- it's out of control.

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