04 August 2005


I know I've talked about the dancing. I've discussed the actual moves. I've discussed his preferred music. But did you know that no matter what he's doing -- laughing, crying, playing, reading his books, breaking stuff -- he will pause for music?

Last night he was in a rigous game of tag/hide-n-seek with his grandmother when that I-POD commerical came on. I'm sure you've seen it. It's black and green and has a bunch of kids rollerskating to hip-hop dance music.

The moment before it started, Jackson was flying around and around the coffee table (slammed his head twice by the way). He was laughing and cheering but when the song started he literally put his hand out toward his grandma as if to stop her, quickly got into position and started jamming. When the commerical was over, he went back to chasing as if nothing had happened.


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