My cancer walk is only a month away now. I still need about $700! I am training my buns off. Jack no longer likes going for a walk.
Mom and Dad are coming up again to go through the latest house we found. It's a tad smaller than what we want but a hop-skip from the lake which would be pretty awesome. I am sure there's something wrong with it. Our ignorant eyes never seem to notice things like a faulty foundation, huge cracks in the ceiling, a leaky basement. But I could tell you what color the room is painted! This will be the third house in two weeks they have driven from D-town to review. Cross your fingers!
Jack is out-of-control with the hating on the sitters. Today when Husband dropped him off at his little school, he freaked out again. I don't know what to do. He's never like that! He usually loves his teacher more than us.
Lately he is only happy when it's just me, Daddy and him. He doesn't like us to ever leave the room and doesn't want any visitors.
Ba hum-bug.
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