So our girl has arrived!
Caroline Elizabeth Rexrode
Aug. 19, 2010
8:44 a.m.
9 lbs., 8 oz.; 21.25 inches
Joe and I went into the hospital the night of the 18th and our girl arrived the next morning. She came out facing the wrong way ... but luckily the delivery was otherwise uneventful.
The boys have done well with their baby sis. Jack is super excited and wants to hold/carry her whenever possible. Brennan wasn't sure at first and was a little clingy but has morphed into a great big brother who is very concerned about Baby Caroline's "boo-boo tummy."
She's lying here next to me in her Boppy snoozing her last feeding away. She did lose a bit more weight than the doctors wanted but after an appointment Friday we've learned she's back up 4 oz. It's crazy how 4 little ozs can make your day. Unfortunately they think they heard a heart murmur but we're trying not to freak about it. Her next appointment is Thursday to double check.

The boys are in T town this weekend enjoying Ga and Ma for one more summer weekend before school. I am not sure where this summer went ... Brennan heads to preschool this Tuesday and Jack goes into 1st grade the Tuesday after Labor Day.

My boys are growing up.
But (as Jack likes to remind me) now I have Caroline to be with me when he and Brennan head off to college. We try to let him know he has some time before college but he says he just wants us to be prepared someday he will leave. I guess I have 12 years to worry about that.
Caroline is on a pretty tight 3-hour schedule for feeding so that keeps Joe and I on our toes. Breastfeeding is going really well (surprisingly) though we have to supplement with a bottle.
She's been a fantastic baby so far only crying when she's hungry ... and when she has a stinky diaper. Girl doesn't like to be dirty ... which is a funny since her brothers never really let it bother them. I just love babies so much -- especially my own. I am trying to soak up this time now because I know when my leave is up, I am going to be sad to go back to work. And besides, I figure I only have a select amount of time with her before she starts to show her independence and love Daddy best.
We've been asked ... is it different this time because she's a girl?
Yes and no.
No ... because like with my boys, all I care is she's healthy, happy and thriving. I examine her like I examined B and Jack from head to toe. And everyday I catch myself imagining the person she's destined to become.
Yes ... because I watched her Daddy melt to the ground when she arrived. He was more than thrilled when each of his sons were born but this time was a bit different for him when Caroline was placed on my belly. They say there's something special about a girl and her dad and I was lucky enough to witness the precise moment they fell in love.
No ... because she smells just like her brothers, she makes the same cooing noises and she's just as cuddly in the middle of the night when I know I should put her back to bed but I can't resist one more squeeze.
Yes ... because her clothes are amazing! I can't get enough pink and feminine frillies. I went from a boy-mom to an insta-girl mom and I am surprisingly loving it. I honestly didn't care if I had a boy or girl this time round but now that she's here, I plan to eat it up.
No ... because I am amazed at how lucky I am each time I pick her up -- just like I am amazed each time the boys make me laugh or support each other. Having a baby is like playing Russian roulette. So many things have to fall into place to produce a perfect being. And my brood are all perfect, gorgeous, smart little people.
We are so lucky.
1 comment:
Yes Katie and Joe, Caroline as she begins to grow will melt your hearts every time. G-grampa
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