Baby Girl Rex is right on track. At 2 lbs., 7 oz., she's dominating the womb and letting me know who is boss. Check out her ballet leg!
In my mind, I find myself calling her a specific name but officially she remains unnamed. My ideas have not been matching Joe's so instead of worrying about it I am pretending it's not an issue. Denial is my friend for now.
The boys are thriving. Jack wraps his kindergarten year on June 11 -- the day we head to Cinci for Henry's baptism. Next week is Field Day and for the most part it's fun time at school til the year ends. He's sad to let go of his teacher and a little worried about who will be in class with next year but overall excited about his summer. His sports of choice: T Ball and swimming. So the kid will be in both several times a week.
Brennan talks more every day and the boys are hilarious to listen to ... their conversations more in depth with each day. Brennan continues to answer things with "No, I don't want to." and "Of course." And Joe and I try not to laugh with the seriousness of his tone.
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