I am so excited. You would think I won the $333 million lottery. But instead I just won four passes to Sesame Street Live ... and tickets to the VIP Room where the boys can meet the stars of the show -- Elmo and Cookie Monster.
I am completely serious when I say: Brennan may have a heart attack. His love for Cookie is strong, friends. And Elmo ain't too shabby in his nearly two-year-old life.
Since I got the winning call, I have envisioned him running across the room, screaming "COOOOKKKKEEEE!" And I just can't wait!
(He is currently running and screaming out of pure joy for a bath:
"BAAAATH! BAttTH Daddy! BATTTTH Gack! Oh yea! Yo-yo-yo! Oh yea! Bath time!")
Brennan is at a stage where he will say anything you say. Literally, anything. His three/four word sentences are getting so amazing. It was almost as if one day he decided he was ready to talk. And it seems talking is his favorite thing. Each day he expands his vocabulary and the three of us all giggle and laugh in excitement. It's like it's the most amazing thing we've ever seen. And I've noticed Jack is much better about not enabling him with speech. Only after Joe doesn't pay attention or I can't figure it out does Big Brother pipe up and say ...
"He wants another fruit snack, Mama."
"Oh! He was saying SpongeBob Fruit Snack. Now I get it!"
If you ask him his age, he yells (no idea why he yells except he seems to like to yell ... not sure where he got that) "TWO!" and he shows you his two fingers. Except he doesn't hold them in a V. Nope. Instead he thickly points at you with his index and middle finger pressed together and screams "TWOOooOO!" Usually in a sing-song way.
I found a bunch of old pictures randomly in my closet and I spent Tuesday night filing them away in a photo album. I can't believe how much Jack has grown and changed in five years. And I can't believe Baby Rex is no longer a baby.
Every step of the way, parents are so excited for their accomplishments. Rolling over, eating rice cereal, crawling, talking, walking ... all the big boy stuff. We are so happy for them and for you and you feel so blessed.
But sitting there looking at my photos I got this panic, this sadness. They are going to be outta here someday and then what? My whole life I wanted kids ... and I always thought I'd have boys. I don't want this stage to be done. It's so final. Jack is going to friggin' kindergarten in two weeks for God's sake!
Aunt Stina is preggo with her first baby. Baby Furst is giving Mama a tough go. Yup that baby is showing who's boss which should be interested for the baby of the family who would say "you hurt my feelings" when she didn't get her way. Last night I got a text from her: "Does pregnancy get fun?"
And I say that back to her with excitement ...
"Is there anything better?"
Don't get me wrong. Being pregnant is very hard and scary and it's a responsibility of such magnitude that you can't really think about it when you are going through it.
But the instant you feel that baby kick for the first time, you can never go back. At that moment and the many moments you feel that baby growing in your belly you fall in love again and again. And those moments are just between you and that baby. I still get phantom kicks sometimes and I miss those moments.
And then there's that baby. The pregnancy is fun because it builds the anticipation of the baby's arrival.
Sometimes when I look at my B I think about how I should've lost him twice. At 10 weeks, and at 7 months. That pregnancy was a tough one for both of us -- for all four of us. Those two trips to the hospital were probably the scariest, most hopeless as well as helpless moments of my life. How empty my life would have been ... and maybe I wouldn't have known specifically the amazing things he brings to my day but I would've known something was missing.
And during those overwhelming moments when I think about what we went through, I grab him and smother him with sucking lips and nibbles on his face. What would I do with out my Brennan? (I do this so often by the way that he now growls and makes biting noises when I get too close to his cheeks!) That boy is the toughest little kid I have ever seen. And with his personality and shining smile he can already talk his way out of trouble. He is a gem. And my heart truly aches when I think of what could've been.
And I look at my Jack as he watches a documentary or tries to figure out a game and I see that little brain tick. I think about an eighth grade conversation with my Mom when I told her I would have a blond-haired, blue-eyed boy name Jack. I waited for him to come into my life, practically my whole life.
And I think about how compassionate my Jackie is with everyone. He's so in-tune with feelings. If I am having a bad day, or my body is just a mess, he's the first one around here to come up to me and ask me how I am doing. And he'll offer a cuddle on the couch. And then I tell him he's my special boy and he'll cut me off and say:
"Yeah, yeah. You tell me this every time. You waited your whole life for me. You are so lucky to have your very own Jackson and Brennan. I know, MaMA!"
Or he'll ask me the most obscure question about something that happened a year ago and shock me with his brilliance. I will say this again: he may be the smartest person I have ever met.
And when I come home from work and my boys have their faces pressed to the screen door and Brennan yells, "MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMA!"
So Stina ... and a few others who I know are preggo ... it does get better. So much better. And the fun may not come until nine months pass but it is so worth it.
Just you wait. Someday you'll be like me. Anxious with anticipation to see your baby's reaction as he or she see COOOkeee for the first time. It's gonna be amazing. Trust me.
1 comment:
Jack saw me writing this and asked me to read it to him. I told him I couldn't because it would give away the secret. He then convinced me to tell him. And he got so excited ... for Brennan! He started to act out what he thought Brennan would do when he saw Cookie Monster.
As I continued to read he reminded me he has green eyes which matches me and isn't that better? Yes, I suppose it is.
I grew emotional as I read it aloud. Not sure why. And Jack immediately noticed.
"Why are you crying, Mama? Are you OK?"
"I am fine. I don't know."
"I think you are crying because you love me and Brennan so much."
I think you are right, kiddo.
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