What's better than playing at the playground with your brother? Not much.
When I was in Sacramento I found this little rock with a ladybug on it. As soon as I saw it, I knew Jack would love it. I read the little inscription that came along with it, "Lucky Ladybug" ... I can't remember what else it said. But I thought it may be the perfect solution to Jack's terrible night dreams.
So when I got home, I pulled it out of my suitcase and handed it to him with little fanfare. I wanted him to see what it was and I was curious what he would say. Of course he brought up the time that he was a baby and I "let" him eat a ladybug. Ever since I retold that story a few months ago he's been a tad obsessed with it. He even went so far as to say once when he was in trouble that the reason he'd done it was because when he was a baby he ate a bug and it made him make bad choices sometimes. ... I know, ridiculous, eh?
I quickly went into a long dramatic explanation of the power of the ladybug. I let him know that the ladybug was lucky and if you put it under your pillow you wouldn't have bad dreams. He seemed impressed by that and immediately ran upstairs to put it under his pillow so he wouldn't forget.
That night he asked me ... "If I put it under my pillow and my head isn't on my pillow, will it still work?"
I reassured him it would because it was magical and it made the whole bed a safe zone. Again, he seemed satisfied. That night was the first night he didn't ask God to not give him bad dreams. And when he woke up, he said he'd slept better than any night before.
Whew! Problem solved.
Today he went to Ga and Ma's house for the Final Four weekend. As I packed him I knew if I didn't find that rock he'd remember at night when my parents were trying to put him to bed. I looked all over his room for that stupid little rock. Why the hell did I set myself up for this? Of course it would be lost with Brennan always in his biznuss! Why didn't I buy two? They only cost $2.99! I didn't find it. I debated for a while about whether I tell him and hope he forgot or be honest and point it out. That kid never forgets.
So I pulled him aside and asked him where his ladybug was ... he ran upstairs in his room and looked around and then came back downstairs in a bit of a panic. He couldn't find it. He didn't know what he would do. He didn't want to have a dream that he was an ogre again. Then it came to me.
"Well Jack ... the good news is that Ga has a maggggiccccaaal penny."
"A magical penny?! How come I never heard of this before?" he demanded. "What does it do?"
"I don't know. But Ga has a magicalllll penny that he keeps in his pocket and I bet he'll let you put it under your pillow so you don't have bad dreams."
"Well, that will work,'' he said completely serious, looking reflective. "I will have to ask him if I can use it in the night."
"Well ... I will call him and let him know that you may need it."
"No," he said motioning no with his hand. "I will take care of it. I can talk to him about it. Thanks."
For a 4 2/3 year old who needs a magical penny, he's awfully mature.
P.S. As soon as the boys left with their Dad for the D I called Ga to let him know he better have a shiny penny ready.