26 March 2009


I recognize it's been a significantly long time since I last posted. That doesn't mean there hasn't been things to talk about. On the contrary, life has been so busy I don't usually have time to do much more than try to ride the wave until sleep.

Of course with Joe on the road, sleep doesn't come easily. So here I am at 11:35 p.m. writing this blog.

The boys are well. They are amazing and smart and perhaps the most good looking children I have ever seen.

Brennan's vocabulary grows with each passing day. He's adding phrases and words and his facial expressions are priceless. I know someday when he blows me off or shrugs off my hug at least I will have these moments now in my heart.

I know I have said this before but Jack proves again and again he is the smartest person I have ever met. The things that come out of his mouth are thoughtful, insightful and truly incredible. We often forget that he is only 4 and 2/3.

I was supposed to take him to a birthday party tonight after work. I thought it started at 6 p.m. On our way there I got a sick feeling it started at 5. I drove that kid to a party an hour late and he was such a champ. I was so upset to tell him. And when I let him know I had made a mistake, his reaction made me choke up a bit.

"It's OK, Mama. Everybody makes mistakes, right? No biggie."

And that was it. No tears, no guilt, no bad reaction. This, of course, made me feel even worse. He had been looking forward to this party for several weeks.

"Jack. I am so sorry. I honestly thought it started at 6."

"Mama. It's OK. Remember when we were at Walmart and I was climbing when you told me not to and I fell? I made a mistake and you said it was OK because I made a mistake. This was a mistake."

I try to tell people how he is ... I know they think I am bragging or making it up. But I am not.

The other day my girlfriend and I were driving him home from preschool and she asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up. He told her he wanted to make movies. She told him that was a great idea.

Then he said:
"I want to make movies but my daddy wants me to play basketball. But I know deep in my heart I am supposed to make movies. I will just have to tell Daddy."

Quickly, Dawn agreed.
"You have to follow your heart, Jack. Daddy will understand.''
"Yes,'' he said, sighing. "I hope so."

Yesterday morning Joe was getting Jack ready for school. He asked him what he wanted for breakfast. Jack quickly said cookie cereal. Cookie cereal is his most favorite. He eats it everyday.
"Cookie cereal? That's all you ever want!" Joe teased. "I am going to call you Jack 'Cookie Cereal' Rexrode."
"Oh yeah?" Jack teased back, "Then I am going to call you Joe 'Computer' Rexrode."

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