21 February 2008


So both my boys have ear infections and upper respiratory infections. We've got a lot of drainage going on in Okemos.

Brennan has been up every two hours the last three nights. This of course means his parents will soon take on ear infections and sickness. Wonderful.

Brennan ain't so little anymore. He weighed in at 19.05 lbs. He's hasn't got a smidge of fat, he's pure muscle. He's just a big little guy.

Jack came in at 39 lbs. and is now 3 foot 4. And he is rail. He's a walking piece of plywood.

Sometimes I think about how much food are they going to blow through when they're teenagers! Speaking of food, B has been cleared.

The poor guy is starving! And very, very constipated.

We were told homemade food only. Yes, you did read that correctly.
Home... made... baby... food.
Organic only in pinches. Apparently when Gerber and Beechnut process the jarred food, the fiber is drastically reduced. And let's be honest, it's probably a good idea in the days of China-scares and 2-year-old meat recalls.

Fiber is now replacing Fredrick as Brennan's middle name.

As the doctor was explaining how to make the food and how easy it is, I felt myself start to glaze over. I nodded my head to make it look reasonable but in my mind I was just kind of wondering when I would fit that into my 50 hour work week, traveling husband and two boys 3 and under. I may have even said, "OK, right ..." a few times. I am pretty sure I pulled it off.

... Only orange-colored veggies;

I can do it all, right? No problem.

... prunes; apples, no peels; no bananas; he can't handle meat ...

Hey! It seems I will be making baby food somewhere between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. if anyone needs to reach me.

Brennan doesn't like carrots -- in case you were wondering.

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