"A person born this year is likely to be a good parent. He may be easy to anger, but he is intelligent, honest, courageous, completes projects, gallant, and sincere. People born in these years are honest and straightforward. They can be relied on to see things through. They tend to be popular and make lasting friendships and are good neighbors.
The year 2007 is the "Year of the Pig," according to the Chinese zodiac. But it's not an ordinary pig year, which comes every 12 years it is believed to be the "Year of the Golden Pig," which comes every 600 years, according to fortunetellers.
They say babies born in the golden pig year will have comfortable and wealthy lives.
In line with the myth, signs point to a baby boom this year. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics are counseling more about pregnancy and related industries are eagerly promoting baby products.
Those believing the golden pig year say the special year comes every 600 years when calculating its frequency using a combination of the Chinese zodiac and yin and yang theory."
Well, I don't know about a baby boom everywhere but we've got one going on in our family and with our friends. Since the beginning of the Chinese New Year, three of my friends have had babies. My brother and his wife had a baby. Another friend will have her baby this summer. And Husband's brother and his wife will deliver at the end of July. Baby Rex will have good company in his greatness.
Some historians (according to this article) dispute the folklore and say there's no evidence of this phenomenon. But, hello, its folklore. And it's good folklore. Why not hope that this baby and his cousins and friends will live with great fortune and happiness in life?
So now I am rethinking his dump-truck bedding. Maybe I should get some piggies for his room. Or maybe I will leaving a rambling voicemail on my sister's cell phone listing all the things I would like her to buy me. That's what Jack does. He sees something on TV and immediately says, "I want to buy that! I want to call Stina to have her buy that!" She seems to never answer her phone but that doesn't stop him. He'll list everything he's hoping to get in a long-winded barely audible voicemail.
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