OK. So I am changing my own blog rules and making a tiny (literally) exception. Jack got a new cousin recently -- and we are all thrilled. My cousin who's closest to me in age and his wife have a new son -- Morgan Lucas. Jack and Morgan now have the job of making sure our family lineage continues.
No pressure.
And coincidently, Jack got another new cousin (on the same day) from Husband's family -- Maya Lorinda-Rose. We don't have a good picture of her yet but are going to Kzoo this weekend to meet her. When we get a shot equally cute as the one above I will post it for all to see.
I am interested to see how Jack reacts to Miss Maya because recently he's become obsessed with pointing out babies. And, mind you, often the "baby" he's pointing out by repeating "Baby!Baby!" over and over are not often much older than he. Considering we hope to expand our tribe (someday), I am hoping Jack will be all that he can be when he meets his mini-cousin. Cross your fingers.
So the birthday weekend flopped with Jack being sick and me. Whoo-hoo, 29! Friends came from two cities to go out but I didn't make it past dinner. We ended paying the babysitter extra because we were home before 11 and felt bad about it. While she said we shouldn't, she took it. Whatever, she's a college kid -- I know how that is.
Jack's got an ear infection, cough, sore throat -- the whole nine yards. I, myself, feel like #2.
I have a sick feeling that my birthdays are going to be borderline for the rest of my life. Nothing can beat the parties at Chuck E. Cheese's and Major Magics. Everybody had one at McDonald's right? And my college b-days? Awesome.
I still remember the year I got the pink Health Tec dress that had green and purple stripes. I looked hot. I may have been 7. That dress tops my all-time-favorite outfits. My mom recently told me that my sister and I always had problems when the birthdays came around. I think her actual quote was, "If it didn't go exactly as planned, you'd fall apart."
Well, that may be true. But you only get one true day for yourself. It seems like it should kick ass. I am sure when Jack gets older he'll be more like his dad. Throw him a hot dog and some ice cream, roll in some sort of sporting activity and he'll be good.
It's just another example of why it's easier to be a boy.
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