I honestly think Jack is brilliant.
Yesterday while trying to clean up before Husband's mother came to visit, I came up with a little game to keep Jack preoccupied. It was called, "Please put this away for Mama." The game itself was about as fun as 52 card pickup but he's 18 months old. He doesn't know the difference.
Jack caught on quickly. Truthfully, he was only in charge of two things: throwing things away in the trash after I told him and picking up loose change. I have an oversized super-cheesy Coke bottle that's a bank. Jack loves putting $$ in it. So much, in fact, that after he collected all the loose change from our bedroom floor, he started scouring the entire upstairs for more coinage. When that was done, he motioned "more" in sign language. That's when I came with putting stuff in the garbage.
Digging around under the bed I found tons of surprises -- pacificers, old (unused) diapers, toys, a remote control and other goodies. Jack knew where everything thing went. And he got on a roll. I began not having to tell him where to put stuff. Most of the things in our room belonged there they were just out of place.
Later, I was getting his bath water ready when I noticed a travel sized shampoo and conditioner that I had bought for my cancer walk but never finished. Guess where it was? On the outside corner of the tub where those products go. I think that's pretty impressive.
Along with that,
Jack's teachers told me last week Jack likes to hand out the other kids jackets when their parents arrive. Apparently, when he sees a mom he immediately runs to that kid's coat and then runs it that parent. Think about that: not only does he know who belongs to each coat, he knows everyone's parents.
If that doesn't cause you to say "wow" nothing will.
26 January 2006
25 January 2006

OK. So I am changing my own blog rules and making a tiny (literally) exception. Jack got a new cousin recently -- and we are all thrilled. My cousin who's closest to me in age and his wife have a new son -- Morgan Lucas. Jack and Morgan now have the job of making sure our family lineage continues.
No pressure.
And coincidently, Jack got another new cousin (on the same day) from Husband's family -- Maya Lorinda-Rose. We don't have a good picture of her yet but are going to Kzoo this weekend to meet her. When we get a shot equally cute as the one above I will post it for all to see.
I am interested to see how Jack reacts to Miss Maya because recently he's become obsessed with pointing out babies. And, mind you, often the "baby" he's pointing out by repeating "Baby!Baby!" over and over are not often much older than he. Considering we hope to expand our tribe (someday), I am hoping Jack will be all that he can be when he meets his mini-cousin. Cross your fingers.
So the birthday weekend flopped with Jack being sick and me. Whoo-hoo, 29! Friends came from two cities to go out but I didn't make it past dinner. We ended paying the babysitter extra because we were home before 11 and felt bad about it. While she said we shouldn't, she took it. Whatever, she's a college kid -- I know how that is.
Jack's got an ear infection, cough, sore throat -- the whole nine yards. I, myself, feel like #2.
I have a sick feeling that my birthdays are going to be borderline for the rest of my life. Nothing can beat the parties at Chuck E. Cheese's and Major Magics. Everybody had one at McDonald's right? And my college b-days? Awesome.
I still remember the year I got the pink Health Tec dress that had green and purple stripes. I looked hot. I may have been 7. That dress tops my all-time-favorite outfits. My mom recently told me that my sister and I always had problems when the birthdays came around. I think her actual quote was, "If it didn't go exactly as planned, you'd fall apart."
Well, that may be true. But you only get one true day for yourself. It seems like it should kick ass. I am sure when Jack gets older he'll be more like his dad. Throw him a hot dog and some ice cream, roll in some sort of sporting activity and he'll be good.
It's just another example of why it's easier to be a boy.
18 January 2006
Who knows? Maybe I should have started over in '06
Yesterday my oldest friend stopped into town for dinner. She was doing business all day in Grand Rapids and then had to get back to the D so she made a pitstop here. It was awesome to see her. I don't even know when the last time was -- Jack's baptism? Her wedding? Well, considering he's 18 months now, you get the drift.
We went to a nearby Italian restaurant that is quite good but one of those places we always forget about when we can't decide on dinner. She worked there when we were at MSU. Anywho, Jack fell asleep in the car. It's always a toss up whether that's a good thing.
Last night it wasn't.
He was so bad. And there's my friend talking about how she and her husband can't wait to have a baby. She's going on and on about how they are trying and they're ready and I am losing my mind. He screamed when we put him in the highchair. He punched his Daddy when he got there. He tipped over two glasses of water and an entire pop on her jacket. Then he decided he would run around the restaurant, through the kitchen, near the bathroom and then bump tables. Oh, then Jack thought it would be a good idea to drag a chair away from its table. Then he threw stuff. Then he screamed again. Then he lost his shoes. He was walking birth control.
Dinner was great -- after Husband and the kid left. We ended up sitting in the place until it was way too late considering her drive. Selfishly, it was just so nice to have an adult conversation that wasn't about bills, job-related work or Jack with someone who has known me since I was 3. I didn't have to background anything and even though we rarely see each other these days, we fell right back into place. We were those two little girls yelling across the street to each other because we were too little to cross.
I sat there in the booth and studied her face. I finally realized sitting there that we were adults, no longer playing Pacman and dancing to her Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang record and begging her sister to tell us who she loved more. But just the same, she still looks like that kid I went to Disney on Ice with and fell in a huge puddle and had to wear her clothes. (The story is that her dad, along with us, were skipping through the parking lot holding hands. Just as her mother warned us, we all fell. I think I may have been 5 and it was hilarious.) Who knows the next time we'll have the time to sit down to dinner like that. But it really doesn't matter.
I can only hope Jack will find someone like her. Together we've gone through some stuff over these last 25+ ... the tough times -- divorce, death, job situations -- and the good times, girlfriends, marriage, babies -- and the times in between.
She and I are pretty damn lucky.
We went to a nearby Italian restaurant that is quite good but one of those places we always forget about when we can't decide on dinner. She worked there when we were at MSU. Anywho, Jack fell asleep in the car. It's always a toss up whether that's a good thing.
Last night it wasn't.
He was so bad. And there's my friend talking about how she and her husband can't wait to have a baby. She's going on and on about how they are trying and they're ready and I am losing my mind. He screamed when we put him in the highchair. He punched his Daddy when he got there. He tipped over two glasses of water and an entire pop on her jacket. Then he decided he would run around the restaurant, through the kitchen, near the bathroom and then bump tables. Oh, then Jack thought it would be a good idea to drag a chair away from its table. Then he threw stuff. Then he screamed again. Then he lost his shoes. He was walking birth control.
Dinner was great -- after Husband and the kid left. We ended up sitting in the place until it was way too late considering her drive. Selfishly, it was just so nice to have an adult conversation that wasn't about bills, job-related work or Jack with someone who has known me since I was 3. I didn't have to background anything and even though we rarely see each other these days, we fell right back into place. We were those two little girls yelling across the street to each other because we were too little to cross.
I sat there in the booth and studied her face. I finally realized sitting there that we were adults, no longer playing Pacman and dancing to her Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang record and begging her sister to tell us who she loved more. But just the same, she still looks like that kid I went to Disney on Ice with and fell in a huge puddle and had to wear her clothes. (The story is that her dad, along with us, were skipping through the parking lot holding hands. Just as her mother warned us, we all fell. I think I may have been 5 and it was hilarious.) Who knows the next time we'll have the time to sit down to dinner like that. But it really doesn't matter.
I can only hope Jack will find someone like her. Together we've gone through some stuff over these last 25+ ... the tough times -- divorce, death, job situations -- and the good times, girlfriends, marriage, babies -- and the times in between.
She and I are pretty damn lucky.
16 January 2006
Another weekend passes without anything too exciting. Husband spent half of it in Columbus, Ohio. Whoo-hoo!
Jack is now doing this screaming thing. Not really sure what it's about but he sounds like a girl. He just does it whenever for no reason. It's not like we're telling him no or punishing him. Nope, he'll be playing with his toys and all of the sudden SHRIEK!!!! It's awful and I want it to stop. Whoever taught him that deserves a swift kick in the rear.
On a more positive note, he is getting ridiculously good at listening and following directions. If you say to him, "Jack, want to go bye-bye?" He will immediately get up, turn the TV off and walk to find his jacket. If he feels you are taking too long to get ready, he will get your jacket and bring it too you. Yesterday he even brought me my shoes.
"Jack, let's go take a bath...." he runs to the stairs to wait for me to go upstairs together.
"Jack, Mama has to go change the laundry..." he runs to the basement stairs.
"Jack, want some dinner?...." he runs to the high chair.
"Jack, it's time to change your diaper." ... he runs and grabs a diaper, then the wipes and then comes to me.
And when I pick him up from school, he's all smiles. He waves and yells, "Hiya Mom!!" and immediately runs to his little cubby to grab his coat.
It's truly amazing to watch. I know it doesn't seem like a huge feat for non-parents but when you watch someone go from a teeny-tiny speck on an ultrasound to this -- it's out of control.
Jack is now doing this screaming thing. Not really sure what it's about but he sounds like a girl. He just does it whenever for no reason. It's not like we're telling him no or punishing him. Nope, he'll be playing with his toys and all of the sudden SHRIEK!!!! It's awful and I want it to stop. Whoever taught him that deserves a swift kick in the rear.
On a more positive note, he is getting ridiculously good at listening and following directions. If you say to him, "Jack, want to go bye-bye?" He will immediately get up, turn the TV off and walk to find his jacket. If he feels you are taking too long to get ready, he will get your jacket and bring it too you. Yesterday he even brought me my shoes.
"Jack, let's go take a bath...." he runs to the stairs to wait for me to go upstairs together.
"Jack, Mama has to go change the laundry..." he runs to the basement stairs.
"Jack, want some dinner?...." he runs to the high chair.
"Jack, it's time to change your diaper." ... he runs and grabs a diaper, then the wipes and then comes to me.
And when I pick him up from school, he's all smiles. He waves and yells, "Hiya Mom!!" and immediately runs to his little cubby to grab his coat.
It's truly amazing to watch. I know it doesn't seem like a huge feat for non-parents but when you watch someone go from a teeny-tiny speck on an ultrasound to this -- it's out of control.
11 January 2006
So the name Jackson was #22 on the top 100 for 2005. And Jack? #7.
That really irritates me.
My whole life I have wanted a Jack -- and not a John -- but a Jackson. I pictured him in my head playing on the beach, running around in the backyard, being a kid. He had blonde hair. Blue eyes.
That all came true. But all of the sudden his name is trendy. And honestly, that sucks. He's going to have to go by Jackson R. or Jack R. his entire life. Likely, in high school, he's just going to be called his last name, but still!
About a week before he was born, I started worrying about our name choice. In the Friends finale, Monica named her son Jack. That's not good. The season before Rachel had named her daughter Emma and it instantly became #1!
As soon as the episode was over, my best friend called, knowing I would be freaking out about it. She and Husband tried to reassure me it was a fluke, no big deal and that I would be really disappointed if I didn't move forward with the name I choice when I was 8.
Then at his baptizm, out of the four kids becoming Catholics two were named Jackson. My son, Jackson Thomas and some other kid -- Jackson Brett. I was so mad!
So then I get my new job and come to find out two other people here have kids named Jack.
What the hell?!!
And then we put Jack and in daycare. Guess what? There was already a Jackson. So now my kid is Jack R. or some teachers have already adopted our last name.
My childhood fantasy is devastated.
I know someday he's going to ask me why I would pick such a popular, regular name. But I swear, when I made the decision in 1987, it wasn't even in the top 100.
#7 = John
#22 Charles
I've loved the name because it's strong. (Coincidently, Husband's family is supposedly decendents of Andrew Jackson.) We chose it because we pictured him before he was even born.
Who doesn't like Jack? He's a hard worker with a sassy attitude. He's sarcastic but thoughtful when it's important. Jack plays sports and maybe guitar. All the girls like Jack. Jack is everyone's friend -- whether you're an athelete or math whiz.
Now when kids refer to him it's going to be... "Who are you talking about Jack R. or Jack P.?"
Jackson is a southern name rich with tradition. He's an artist, a musician. He's a strong leader and makes things happen. He thinks things through and stands proud of his convictions. He's stubborn and right most of the time.
"Wait, I'm confused again. Who are you talking about? Jackson?? Jack? Jax? Jack R.? Jack P.?"
That really irritates me.
My whole life I have wanted a Jack -- and not a John -- but a Jackson. I pictured him in my head playing on the beach, running around in the backyard, being a kid. He had blonde hair. Blue eyes.
That all came true. But all of the sudden his name is trendy. And honestly, that sucks. He's going to have to go by Jackson R. or Jack R. his entire life. Likely, in high school, he's just going to be called his last name, but still!
About a week before he was born, I started worrying about our name choice. In the Friends finale, Monica named her son Jack. That's not good. The season before Rachel had named her daughter Emma and it instantly became #1!
As soon as the episode was over, my best friend called, knowing I would be freaking out about it. She and Husband tried to reassure me it was a fluke, no big deal and that I would be really disappointed if I didn't move forward with the name I choice when I was 8.
Then at his baptizm, out of the four kids becoming Catholics two were named Jackson. My son, Jackson Thomas and some other kid -- Jackson Brett. I was so mad!
So then I get my new job and come to find out two other people here have kids named Jack.
What the hell?!!
And then we put Jack and in daycare. Guess what? There was already a Jackson. So now my kid is Jack R. or some teachers have already adopted our last name.
My childhood fantasy is devastated.
I know someday he's going to ask me why I would pick such a popular, regular name. But I swear, when I made the decision in 1987, it wasn't even in the top 100.
#7 = John
#22 Charles
I've loved the name because it's strong. (Coincidently, Husband's family is supposedly decendents of Andrew Jackson.) We chose it because we pictured him before he was even born.
Who doesn't like Jack? He's a hard worker with a sassy attitude. He's sarcastic but thoughtful when it's important. Jack plays sports and maybe guitar. All the girls like Jack. Jack is everyone's friend -- whether you're an athelete or math whiz.
Now when kids refer to him it's going to be... "Who are you talking about Jack R. or Jack P.?"
Jackson is a southern name rich with tradition. He's an artist, a musician. He's a strong leader and makes things happen. He thinks things through and stands proud of his convictions. He's stubborn and right most of the time.
"Wait, I'm confused again. Who are you talking about? Jackson?? Jack? Jax? Jack R.? Jack P.?"
09 January 2006
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Enough already.
We went home to T-town and spent the weekend with the entire family. Jack got too many gifts -- even though I worried he didn't have enough. And when we were finished opening, he walked away from his new toys and dug up toys that once belonged to me.
New Year's
Michigan State had a game -- big surprise. Jack and I hung out all day watching kids programs and Finding Nemo. When Husband got home, we went over to a co-workers house for the evening. Jack had a blast following around her 5-year-old and ending up staying up past 1 a.m. (Yes, we are excellent parents.) The adults played games and were embarrassingly lame. Happy Birthday to Dada who turned 33.
Will we ever really go out again?
We went home to T-town and spent the weekend with the entire family. Jack got too many gifts -- even though I worried he didn't have enough. And when we were finished opening, he walked away from his new toys and dug up toys that once belonged to me.
New Year's
Michigan State had a game -- big surprise. Jack and I hung out all day watching kids programs and Finding Nemo. When Husband got home, we went over to a co-workers house for the evening. Jack had a blast following around her 5-year-old and ending up staying up past 1 a.m. (Yes, we are excellent parents.) The adults played games and were embarrassingly lame. Happy Birthday to Dada who turned 33.
Will we ever really go out again?
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