The boys, Ga and I hit the parade Friday night representing TWO MEN AND A TRUCK ... we all had a blast and the weather was an amazingly balmy 52. Not too shabby for the holiday Silver Bells parade.

Joe is just wrapping up the sad Spartan season and the b-ball season is in full swing. We're waiting to see where the team will fall for a bowl game. Cross your fingers Joe is home for the holidays.
Unexpectedly one night at dinner recently Jack said, "I can't wait to get married."
We both sat stunned for a minute and then just played along.
"I think I will get married at 25."
"I was 25,'' I said. "Daddy was 29."
"Oh, so maybe 27 would be better?" he asked.
B being B:
I took the boys to Walmart last weekend to look at the decorations. (I realize this sounds terribly white trash but when Joe is on the road I am always looking for free activities to keep us busy.)
Brennan had a blast looking at the blow up lawn ornaments and all the "Santa lights" ... until a little girl started staring at him. And when I say staring at him, I mean getting in face. It all happened in slow motion. I saw her invade his space. I saw him scoot back. She got closer, he turned away from her. She got up in his face ... and he slapped her. Cross the face, whack.
I immediately grabbed him and told him "We don't hit! No-no!" Luckily the other mom reacted rationally, saying "See, it hurts when you hit people too."
I demanded that Brennan apologize. But he stood strong, chin quivering ... "No!"
Not sure where that lack of patience and stubbornness comes from ... must be the Rexrode side.