9/10/09 Ready to blow out the candles.

9/10/08 Cake is good.

9/10/07 ... 5:08a.m.
Brennan Fredrick Rexrode is two.
I realize I am way behind on my posts. Things have been crazy between football season, flag football, swimming lessions, Sunday school, kindergarten and well ... life, posting has been difficult.
Had a snapshot moment today with Jack.
I was in his class today for Journal Writing. It was fun to see him interact with his 17 classmates.
It's a great program. Library time followed. I watched the boys and girls line up. Jack let kids in, with no bitterness for cutting.
The teacher asked if everyone was ready and Jack said, "Yup! All 18 of us!" Which made her laugh -- and me as well.
And as the kindergarteners marched down the hall to the library, my boy dressed in a tigers shirt and Converse hightops stopped and turned back. He smiled, waved and blew me a kiss. And then he turned back and continued his march down the hall.
Yup, that one left a permanent imprint.