I'm not going to lie. I am a bit over the whole blog thing. Life is busy. I am tired and sometimes I just can't come up with anything interesting to talk about here.
I know there are little moments I am taking for granted. Things that Brennan does to melt my heart. Things that Jack says to wow me. But the moment is fleeting and I let it float away unrecognized. I know this about me lately.
Life is complicated between work, politics, money ... it's hard to get super excited about anything.
Moment to note: Brennan is currently using my laptop as a tool for a joyful game of "hiya!" Flip on the news ... housing is down, Americans are dying overseas, people are poor everywhere. It makes it hard to count the good stuff. 60 Minutes is reporting Greenspan wasn't as great as everyone believed.
We're all not sure what will happen in '09. Let's face it, we don't have much power to control it. That's got me worried. What is going to fix it all?
Who will run the country?
How will we stand internationally?
Will the housing market ever turn around?
But ...
Two healthy boys who continue to exceed all milestones set for their age.
Three new babies this year from friends and two more in-utero.
Two full-time jobs in an economy that lost 60,000 + this year alone.
Moment to note: Two little boys screaming "Daddy!" and running to the door as Joe walks in from Sunday evening work.
And yet sometimes it's still hard to remember the good things.