11 September 2008


So ... he liked the cake.

We let him grab at the entire cake for a while ... but then I gave him his own slice.

After a while, he wasn't thrilled with the cake goo everywhere. Unfortunately, frosting sticks. And it's messy.

We quickly realized only a bath would work.
Then he felt better -- more like himself.

Happy birthday, Brennan. You're a really amazing baby.

Year 1 check-up stats:
25.02 lbs. weight 80 percent
2 foot 8.5 height off the charts
48 1/4 head circumference 94 percent

The doctor's report, "He looks terrific!"

He's exceeded all milestones for his age: fine and gross motor skills and verbal. And he's been walking for more than two months.

We're so excited. We are so blessed.

10 September 2008


Brennan Fredrick is 1 today.
This is his first picture sent out just minutes after his birth, Sept. 10, 2007.
(He still makes this face. Note his perfectly round head.)

05 September 2008


First day of school! First day of school!
Jack was very irked with me for not allowing him to wear a Spider-Man shirt. I had told him boys don't wear them on the first day. Then we saw six kids with SM gear on. He, of course, pointed out each boy.
He wasn't too nervous. He seemed a little overwhelmed, but OK. He did call me back to give him one last hug before I walked out.
I got a little emotional about it.

04 September 2008


Tomorrow officially kicks off Jack's school career. On Wednesday, we went to his classroom and formally met his teacher and a few classmates. At first he told me he wasn't interested in learning how to write. My pep talk must have worked because he spent his entire day yesterday working on it.

He has told me he prefers the capital A over the "baby" a.

This should be an interesting year.