July has been outta control. We're already to the 16th and I keep waiting for "summer vacation" to occur.
Sunday marked my 31st week for this pregnancy... we've made the final stretch team!!
This week, your baby measures about 16 inches long. He weighs a little over 3 pounds and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.We're only about 60+ days away and I don't feel prepared at all.

- We just picked out the paint but the room is far from baby-fied.
- I haven't really bought anything -- but if Rex is a boy, we're set between Jack's things, hand-me-downs and the addition of Cousin Freddie's things.
- We don't have a name picked out. No seriously, we don't. I hate it. I HATE it. With Jack, the second we heard boy, he was named. Of course, it was my favorite name since like 8th grade, but still ... I don't want to be those people who name him/her after we see the baby. So cheesy. And the thing is, we don't have a name for a girl really either. We have ideas but without knowing the sex, we just can't seem to get behind them. We have the boys list narrowed to 5. We have the girls narrowed to about 2. Middle names for girls are still up in the air, middle for boy is set.
Hormones are in full effect. I think it's likely we are having a boy. But tomorrow I may doubt the ultrasound again. Everyone says I am "carrying" the baby differently. I surely feel different. And then I think about "different" and it gets scary. This past weekend we ran into some people who have a down syndrome granddaughter nearly the same age as Jack. They didn't know she had downs until after the baby was born. She was just cute as a button, very friendly and active but the whole thing made me worried. Having a baby is just plain scary. And I know from experience that worry doesn't go away after the baby arrives. It just grows stronger.
We were home this weekend for my 900th dress fitting. Swear, I have had more than the bride. 'Stina's wedding is this weekend and I have to have it ready by Saturday. Anyway, we were leaving to go back to Okemos and I noticed Jack hadn't picked up his toys. So I asked him about it. His answer? "Grandma's OK with it." And then he shrugged his shoulders. I mean, seriously?! Is he 12?
Jack is having a "friend" birthday party at a local park the weekend of his 3rd birthday. (True, it will be his second party celebrating the same day but whatever!) We were talking about all the people he invited. He wanted his two best friends, his teacher, the director, Ga and Ma and then I started listing the other kids in his class. I had invited everyone so no one had hurt feelings. He seemed fine with my choices until I got to one particular girl. "Really, Mama?" He asked me like I was crazy. "I don't want her. She's a hitter." (I will tell you that it was funnier when he said her name but that just seems wrong to reveal the name of the hitter. Someday she may be president and that's when we'll drudge that up.)
Final one. Jack was the ring bearer in Colleeny's wedding a few weeks ago. He was very excited about the "dancing" shoes that came with the tuxedos, the party, the flower girl. We were hopeful things would go well. Not so much. After seeing 250 people waiting in the church, my boy wanted nothing to do with it. The flower girl at some point hurt his feelings and he wanted to walk with me. The church coordinator was hard as nails and needless to say it didn't go off. But he did get announced at the reception which he enjoyed and he got to dance some.
So this weekend is Stina's wedding. We were driving in the car and out of no where he said to me. "Hey Mama! Stina and Uncle Jeff are getting married." I agreed. "First we go to the church and then there's a party." Yes, I told him. "And Mama and Daddy are married? And Ga and Ma? And Aunt B and Uncle Fred?" Again, I agreed with him. "Will I get dancing shoes for Stina's wedding?" I told him yes. "I want to walk with you." I told him he could. Then nothing more. I looked back at him and he was smiling as he looked out the window. He looked relieved. I was blown away by his grasping the concept of marriage. And his worry of walking down the aisle. He hadn't mentioned it since the mishap. Of course to him, the best part is the party afterward but then again, he's not far off.