27 December 2006
20 December 2006
I mean he's excited about Santa Claus and the Christmas lights and Rudolph but he still doesn't get what's going to happen Monday. I am really excited for him. It's going to be a whirlwind couple of days as both sides of the family merge into one. Our head count is up to 10 now. That's a lotta people in our house. It should be interesting and cozy. We've been talking about who is coming. Brushing up on names and titles has been fun. He's getting prepped.
Last weekend we went to Detroit to visit with my aunt and uncle from Colorado. They were in town to see my dad and we hadn't seen them since Jack's first birthday. For three days Jackie and I practiced their names and titles. I explained who they were. He was excited. But when we walked in the door of my parents house he was instantly shy. For anyone who knows my kid, he is not shy. He acted like he didn't know their names -- I don't think he said them once the whole visit. But he did warm up. Once my uncle played "The Claw" with him it was all over.
We went to a 3-year-old (second) cousin's birthday party Saturday. Jack was very reserved and everyone commented on how well he behaved. Truthfully, I had no idea who he was. He just sat back quietly and watched the craziness unfold... that is until his cousin opened Buzz Lightyear. Jack was thrilled. "Buzz Lightyear, Mama! Buzz Lightyear!"
There were so many great gifts that Jack got to play with that action figure for the majority of the evening. He was thrilled. His Lightning McQueen was quickly forgotten, tossed on the floor with Tow Mater. (Mind you, his entire Christmas this year is Cars. My parents and I began to panic over this neglect.)
Things were going well. Unlike at another family birthday party, Jack was a good boy, the cousins were happy. The parents and grandparents were sitting on the couches watching the madness. Then the Birthday Boy came up to and asked, "Is the Buzz Lightyear Jack is playing with mine?"
I knew this was going to be rough. Jack was in love with that little guy. So as he toddled off to find his toy, I ran the other way to find my kid and hopefully prevent a fistfight. I sat there trying to rationalize with my 2-year-old (yes, that is an oxymoron) when my cousin appeared with a Cabbage-Patch sized Buzz. Jack was thrilled. A big Buzz!I knew right then that leaving the party without Buzz was going to be a nightmare. And I was right.
My two aunts, two uncles, parents, two adult cousins and I sat there trying to get Jack to let go of the Buzz or to get the Birthday Boy to let Jack borrow it for the night. We came up with as many scenarios as we could. (Truthfully, the Big Buzz wasn't Jacks. I should have just taken it away, handed it to his cousin and apologized.) But we try to be sensitive, right? That's when my Colorado relatives stepped in. They wanted to get Buzz for Jack for Christmas anyway, so they suggested we get it now.
So I leaned over to Jack and said... "Hey Jack. Why don't you leave this Buzz here and we'll go to the store to get you a new Buzz?"
His face immediately lit up and he didn't hesitate to hand that Buzz back to his cousin, give my cousin a squeeze and grab at his coat.
"OK! New Buzz."
It was classic and made us all roar. Of course, logically, why take a "used" Buzz when you could just get a brand new one? We raced to the nearest Target. I was worried they would be sold out. Toy Story came out more than 10 years ago. And it was a week away from Christmas. Could we be that lucky? Meanwhile my kid was chatting away about the new Buzz. My uncle and I ran into the store going up and down isles. With a little help from a wandering worker, we found a big Nighttime Buzz that includes the flashy lights, buttons that say, "I'm Buzz Lightyear!" and "To infinity and beyond!" (Thanks for that by the way!)
When we got back to the car, I handed it to Jack.
He literally lit up and gasped.
"Big Buzz! There he is! Thanksss!"
Then about 2 minutes later he told us he wanted to take it to school. He was already excited to show it off to his buddies. It never ends.
13 December 2006
Case in point? Today I received emails with pictures taken over the last two years collected on an uncle's camera phone. He was switching phones and wanted to be able to save and share the priceless shots. Be prepared to be shocked by how much Jack (and Husband) have changed. It's sad. My kid is no baby anymore.
And I'd like to say: it only gets easier. But so far, that's just not the case. The kid gets old, more mobile and more tricky everyday. Sure, now he can run and talk but guess what? It's a whole different set of problems. Like when he ran away in a store and nearly killed his grandparents. He thought it was funny, Ga not so much. OR when we used to be able to tell him Barney was "night-night" and he'd stop wanting to watch the dumbass show. Nope. Now he just looks at you like you're on drugs and hands you the DVD -- or just puts it in himself. These are special treats for all of you to look forward to -- Hi, I've become my Dad.
When we were growing up and my parents would see a young couple with children younger than we were at the time (and it really didn't matter if the other kid was months or years younger) my Dad would go up to that family and say, "This is the best time of your life... It only gets harder! Wait 'til they get older." And the three of us would groan and roll our eyes reminding our father that we weren't on drugs, we were all productive in school and overall good kids. And he'd just nod and move on.
Now I am him. I am the (basically mean) woman who goes up to people in baby carriers with infants sleeping through dinner at restauarnt and tells them how lucky they have it. And I find myself saying, "Just wait until they are mobile. Wait until they fight you on what they want to eat for dinner. Wait until they say no or have a fit in the store."
Joking aside, it's been amazing. Wonderful. We have been so blessed with a smarty little boy who personally I think is gorgeous. He is just such a clip. I have no doubt the next years will continue to be a challenge -- but in a blessing-from-God kind of way. He will never let my life get boring again. And isn't that grand? Who wants a boring kid? He's too stinking smart.
And just you wait, the first time Freddie or Baby C, Baby W, Baby K, Baby B, Baby H and all the other babies on their way say "I love you" or "Hi Mama!" or "Bless you" when you sneeze you'll wonder what the heck you ever did without them.
11 December 2006
Nope, he's known as "Fanta Claus" in these parts.
And there's no correcting Jack.
Everything Christmas related is now "Fanta Claus."
Lights... "Look, Mama! Fanta Claus lights."
Evergreen trees... "Look, Mama! Fanta Claus tree!"
Wrapped gifts... "Look Mama! Fanta Claus happy tu-tu!"
We watched Rudolph this weekend. And unlike last year where he fell asleep, he was estatic to watch it on TV. He was jumping on the couch and left a vivid message for Ga telling him "Ruldolph Red Nose" was on TV. (Mind you, we own the program. Last year, his aunt got it for me because it is my favorite. He has seen it a few times over the last year and recently watched it like 3 times in a row. But there's just something magical about seeing it on CBS.)
Christmas is only 2 weeks away now. Insanity. Spent the weekend as sick as ever. I didn't even go to work Friday. I suppose it could be all my travel for work. It could have been the nasty hackers on the planes to and from Jackson, Miss. who sat right next to me. It could have been because my flight home was delayed 2 times and then the cab took an hour to get me home. Not sure.
I am now about 40 percent done shopping. I was thinking I was done but I have no idea why. I am done for Jack. That's it! Of course, I keep adding on to his list for him. We still have our secret Santas to tackle and all those helpful people who say they don't want anything but they know we are still going to buy for them so by not saying what they really want it just really adds to the process. (You know who you are...)
We had planned to go to the mall to visit Fanta Claus this weekend but I just couldn't peel myself off the couch or bed. That's the plan this week -- between shopping, cleaning and working. We'll see how it rolls out.
29 November 2006
Husband is off to Boston for the next 36 hours so it's just me and the kid. This morning he had to get up at 7:30. That's a shock for my college lifestyle kid. I was able to change him into his clothes for the day without him waking up. When he woke up, he could barely open his eyes and said to me..."Mama, what's wrong with my eyes?" He was soooo tired. He started crying about school before we even left the house. This all day deal is a big shock to my pre-schooler. He's usually there for 5 hours tops. That includes lunch and outside time.
I made the mistake of going to his old teacher in the "Baby" room. The teacher in the pre-schoolers room was a sub so I assumed that he'd rather get dropped off to her. I guess that's why they say assuming makes an ass out of you and me. He flipped. "No babies! No babies!" (The kids in that classroom are newly 1.5 and 2. Jack is only 2 and 4 months. Apparently, that extra 4 months means a lot.)
He was so mad at me for taking him in early. Really, he should have been mad at his father, right? My last image of him was his crunched up face yelling, "No more work, Mama! No more work!"
Don't I wish. It's pretty harsh to learn about reality @ 2.4 years old.
22 November 2006
This past weekend the 'rents came up to help me with some fix-ups around the house and some Christmas shopping. Along with that, Dad decided Jack needed some new toys. Lately Jack has been carrying a replica of "Lion Queen" aka Lightening McQueen. So Ga decided he needed some of his friends. Enter Tow Mater.
If you haven't had the pleasure of watching Disney's CARS, it's a movie about a Nascar who wants to win the big race. Tow Mater is his redneck best friend with a country accent. It's very stereotypical, of course. Mater is a buck-toothed rusty tow truck who is also a little slow. Jack loves him. Here's the kicker -- the point of this story --
Ga handed Jack the truck. He was thrilled. He's got Lion Queen in the left, Mater in the right. And he introduced them to each other.
"Hi Lion Queen, I Mater the Truck."
In writing it's not so amazing or fun. I wish I had an audio option. It was all how he said it. He had the accent. My little blond haired preppie Okemos boy said ...
"Heyyyy Lion Queen, I May-ter the TroughK.'' (Not technically phonetic but you get what I am saying.)
It was hilarious!! We were all dying of laughter. He's too stinking smart. He remembered the accent. Crap, he even noticed the accent! It was awesome. He was even talking out the side of his mouth just like the character and showing his pearly whites. I wasn't sure if it was a fluke so I asked him again.
"Hey, Jack. Who's that?" pointing at the ugly little guy.
"Mama! That's May-ter the TroughK.''
I have to get this on tape. Every time my parents talk to him they tell me to tape him. And every time we say we will but then we don't! Maybe Ga will get him on tape this holiday weekend. My brother and I used to do fake radio shows where he would interview me and we'd pretend to be other people or just talk about our lives. I would love to hear those now. (I am sure a lot of people would love to hear those now.) Most of them ended with him teasing me until I got mad or cried or a solo of "Sweetest Taboo" by Sade. My brother was always a ham.
15 November 2006
This past weekend we began to clean and decorate for the upcoming holidays. Some people may think it's crazy but it's already halfway through November and Thanksgiving is only a week a way... so I say: start spreading the Christmas around.
The tree is up.
The garland is looping.
The stockings are hanging.
Now is my yard winterized? C'mon, that doesn't sound like fun.
Is my garage cleaned out so we can park the cars inside when the snow starts coming? That's just funny.
On Sunday Jack found some of his gifts. I caught him climbing on the dining room table and digging through a box to find stuff. I couldn't believe it! I heard the crinkle of a plastic bag, ran in there to find him holding the prize in the air and yelling, "Happy Tu-Tu Mama! Happy Tu-Tu!" Terrible hiding job by mom. I am actually hesitant to hide things too well because I know I will forget where I put them. But if @ 2 he can already find stuff what will happen when he's 8 and actually searching?
As of now, he gets Santa Claus. Every time he sees a picture, he calls out his name and shortly follows with the "Happy Tu-Tu Jack!" I am trying to talk to him about the true meaning of Christmas but I think the whole Christianity thing may be a little heavy for his age.
Of course, he was playing with the figures from my nativity scene the other day. I am not really sure if that's what the monk who made it for my Papa had in mind. Pretty sure a red sports car was not at the manger when Jesus was born.
09 November 2006
The baby was given an A+ report. He should arrive in Chicago by the end of March. Although I doubt he will be allowed to be a fan of any Chicago team. We'll see how that rolls out. If that happens, I can only imagine the Tigers/White Sox games in 2014 -- there may be no talking between father and son -- not to mention the games between the Pistons/Bulls and the Bears v. Lions. Yikes, that could be rough. And if he chooses over any college team over OSU, his mother may die a little.
Seriously, our family couldn't be more thrilled by the news. And boy do we have hand-me-downs to pass on!
04 November 2006
I learn what is going on in my family and home life via phone and via email.
My kid gets on the phone tells me about his cars, Lion King and that he has to go because he's watching "Over the Hill." And then the phone gets handed to whichever adult is taking care of him and they give me a play-by-play.
Yup, he ate something... grilled cheese, meatballs, cookies and donuts
Yup, he was a good boy at school -- though he still thinks he's a lion.
Ahhh, no he didn't take a nap.
Sometimes the adult says: "Jack, do you want to talk to Mama?" and I hear him say "no."
That's nice. It's not even that he is embarrassed of me yet. He's just indifferent.
I am in day 3 of my west coast trip. I fly back Monday. Last week I was in DC for 5 days.
I was home for Halloween which was a fantastically wondrous experience that I will forever file in my heart. Seeing Jack stand on our porch with his lion costume on waiting for his Daddy to go trick-or-treating was one of those mom moments you dream about when you are pregnant. It was a moment that will certainly flash in my head at his graduation, wedding and at the birth of his first child.
"Hi Daddy! Roarrr I'm Jack the Lion King! Let's go trick-treating!!"
Watching them walk down the street holding hands was an instant of pure, unaltered happiness. It was such a precious moment I nearly tipped.
And the next morning by 7 I was off to Cali.
Last night I caught up with old friends from college and brought a work friend into the weird cult of The State News. Another person exposed to something that is really hard to explain. It was great to see the bunch -- everyone looked healthy and happy which maybe comes easier since it's been sunny and around 70 everyday we've been here -- it's snowing at home. I was happy to see their lives firsthand.
We went to a local place, had amazing (and inexpensive) food and I got a chance to catch up with a set of parents who actually live in MI. Kinda funny we had to both be in LA to see each other but such is life.
Then we hit their favorite waterhole that I had read so much about on their blog. Pictures were taken with promises of preapproval before publishing. It was nice to catch up and talk about all the exciting news in everyone's lives and all be happy for each other.
Today I am back to the Expo. 10-5. It's fun but draining. Tonight is a work night. You gotta have them when you are on the road this much.
It's a weird day when I yearn for the Mitten.
19 October 2006
So I recently got a disposable camera developed at our local Walmart. No, actually, that's a lie. I got it developed probably a month ago. I am just now getting off my arse to post the photos. The funny thing is: half the roll was from last Spring. Yup, just another example of me being a crappy mom. They are shots of Jack at a farm with Ga.
Most first time moms are obsessed with pictures of their children. My mom has photo books filled with shots of my brother. Next child rolls around (i.e. me) and maybe there are the same number of photos (although they technically shouldn't count because he's in them too) but there are no albums. Third kid gets here and suddenly no one remembered the camera. There's a lot of "I can't believe we forgot the camera!" and "We should've taken a picture of that." Just ask my sister, she's 25 years old and still bitter about it. But luckily, my future children will have no ill feeling toward Jack. That poor kid got nothing on photos either.
17 October 2006
Just a quick update on the girlfriend: she's moved. Jack has his first heartbreak, right?
Yesterday, we stopped at the local grocery on the way home from school. Going to the store with Jack is always a crapshoot. Sometimes he will sit in the cart, sometimes he won't. Sometimes he'll be good. Sometimes he won't. (Mostly he isn't.)
I kept him distracted as I dumped him in the cart... that last about 30 seconds. He wanted out. That means a very quick shopping stop. Then I ran into one of our reject realtors. We ended up chatting too long. So long in fact, that Jack interrupted saying, "Let's go, Mama." Kinda funny, kinda cute... yes, indeed rude. But it was a nice break from that awful situation.
Prelude. When we had pulled into the parking lot, Jack started chanting, "Happy To-to, Mama! Happy to-to!" I was oblivious to what he was talking about. When he says "Happy to-to!" he is actually trying to say "Happy Birthday." So I numbly nodded and smiled thinking about what I was going to get for another bland dinner.
Point of the story. So as I was awkwardly try to backward step this realtor, I noticed my kid had run ahead, screaming "Mama! Happy To-to! Happy To-to!" And then I realized: he was going for the ice cream. The last time we visited this neighborhood grocery, he eyeballed the individual kid-geared ice cream mini-freezer and wanted one, bad. However, he'd already dug into some Skittles (yes, I am a sucker) and I put my foot down... And so did he. I actually had to drag him out of the store. So, to calm him, I promised him next time we'd get the ice cream sandwich that he sooo wanted.
Thus the "Happy To-To!"
That little stinker remembered.
So I walked down to the freezer. I tried the "Oh, you don't want that. That's yucky!" card but it didn't work. He wanted the M&M cookies with sweet vanilla ice cream sandwiched. He knew he had me.
"Help! Mama! Happy To-to!"
I will tell you what. He sat in that cart the whole rest of the time happily munching on his "Happy To-to" ice cream. Sure, he got it all over his face, all over his new jacket and got sticky fingers. Sure, I ended up spending $78 on groceries when I wouldn't have had time to spend that much before. But, he was happy right?
03 October 2006
He said it so clearly, so naturally we all kind of stopped what we were doing. Uncle had just walked in the door and Jack was upstairs looking down.
"Hiya Jack!"
"Did you look in your pockets?" Jack asked. "Or under the couch? Hmmm... I wonder where they are?"
Last night at pick up, I asked him if he wanted to take a cracker snack for the road. (They have a little giveaway basket at school as you walk out.)
"No Mama. I will wait and get crackers at home."
OK. Jeesh. So when did he become like 12?
His talking is out of control. He is not a 2-worder any longer. (Of course, you get him on the phone and roars and pretends to be Lion King in his roary voice.)
My dad keeps saying we have to record him. I agree. But then, of course, we don't. The stuff that comes out of that kid's mouth! He notices everything, and he comments with these really specific observations. I bet at least once a day I stop and stare at the kid in disbelief.
I told him we were going to K-Zoo a while back to visit Daddy's grandparents and aunt and uncle. He knew who I was talking about. He started listing names.
Last night it was raining. When it thundered, he said, "Oohh Mama, thunder." Where did he even pick that up?
But get him to pick say his colors and he ignores you. Literally. Pretends you aren't talking to him. He couldn't care less that bananas are yellow and apples are red. Now, he'll tell you that he eats them. And when he last ate them. But he's just not so much interested in their hues.
29 September 2006
So, I don't know if you know, but my kid thinks he is a lion. No, seriously. He really does. He roars all day long. He crawls along. He talks to me in a growly voice "Nooo(roar), Mama, I don't want to take a bath (Roar)."
At first we thought it was cute.
Then, we thought it was a little strange. I mean he thought he was a lion for pete's sake. He'd growl at bugs and kittens and well, everyone. For a while he was Scar. He was the mean lion from the Lion King. He liked Scar. It's OK to like the villain, right? My dad always like the villains in movies. Cruella Deville, The Grinch, I can't even think of anyone else. I just assumed Jack was taking after Ga. It wouldn't be the first time.
He would be a lion at school. But he was too violent. He'd try to replay the final scene when Simba and Scar are fighting over the cliff. He'd take his action figured and make them "falled." ("Mama, Lion King falled. Mama! Scar falled.")
It was when he tried to take down my mom that I thought it was enough. We took the Lion King away from him... along with 1 1/2, and 2. No more Lion King! But he didn't let it go. We tried everything. Shrek, Sesame Street, Thomas the Choo-Choo Train, Curious George. Sure, he liked them OK. But not with the same passion. We deflated him. So we brought in movies that had Lions but weren't the Lion King like Madagascar.
Anything with a Lion, and sometimes Tigers, he wanted. Action figures, movies, T-shirts, a zip-up sweatshirt. He had super hero-like powers when it came to finding a Lion. We'd be in the car and he'd see a billboard with a small picture of a lion and he'd scream, "MAMA!!!!! LION KING!!!!" Some kid would have a lion on their shirt and he'd point it out. He couldn't stop his love for Lions.
So, I sat him down. I told him I would give him the Lion King back but no Lion King at school. He had to be the nice Lion. He had to be King Mufasa. It seems to have worked.
Everyday I pick him up he comes running to me saying, "No Lion King, Mama. No Lion King." And then I talk to his teacher and she tells me he was the Lion King but he was nice about it. Yesterday, he was assigning animals to other kids. He made Go-Go be a monkey. Devin was a Giraffe.
So now we are about a month away from Halloween. Last year, I had him dress up as a frog. He looked sooo cute. Husband and I have been debating about letting him be a lion. Sometimes he forgets his manners when he transforms into the King of the Jungle. Initially, my parents were against it.
But last weekend, Jack was staying at their house so I could go to the Notre Dame disaster. My mom was showing him the book I made her of my JWJ blog. She showed him the picture of him dressed in a frog suit. She explained Halloween and pointed out that he was dressed as a frog.
Apparently, he was disgusted. He made a face. "No Frog, Ma. Lion King. Jack Lion King."
So, that settled it. We all agreed he'd have nothing to do with any other costume -- not even the cute clown suit my mom had made for my brother when he was a toddler. And he would be devastated if anyone else showed up as a Lion and he was a purple clown.
The suit came today. It's fantastic. I can't wait to show him. He may lose his mind. He may never, ever take it off.
22 September 2006
She's super cute and loves my kid. They follow each other around and seem to almost speak their own baby language. I think Jack may talk more than she does but apparently they're inseparable from the moment Jack arrives for lunch until I pick him up.
Often times when Husband drops him off, she's waiting by the fence on the parking lot or running to the doorway of his classroom yelling and waving for "Ack!!" As soon as I walk in, she runs up to me to give me a pat or to yell, "Ack's Mama, Ack's Mama!" Yesterday, she showed me her boo-boo. But the thing that strikes me most about this budding relationship is the fact that neither child seems to notice they look nothing alike. She's a gorgeous African American child with "pretty hair" as Jack says. He's the whitest-looking white kid with screaming blond hair and flashy blue eyes.
It's proof that racism is learned.
Together they have this friendship that grows more and more each day. Jack picks up her colorful barrettes when they fall out of her braids and makes funny faces at her when she cries. She holds his hand when they go outside and patiently lets him play Lion King. She holds the best riding toys for him on the playground. They make a great pair. And if you ask him about her, all he'll say is, "She's pretty" and smile. I'll ask him if he played with her and he'll say "Yes, she's pretty" and smile. I will ask him if he wants to go to school and he'll cheerily call out her name.
It's not like my kid likes all of his classmates at the center -- he doesn't. He has no tolerance for the one kid who never participates and is always getting into trouble. He yells at him as much as any of the teachers. I've seen it -- he's a big of a narc really. He has no tolerance for the dirty kid. You know the kid, everyone grew up with one. It never fails, that kid is always dirty with a weird ring around his mouth. Plus, he's a mush mouth. I have seen him talk to Jack, Jack just kinda stare at him for a second and walk away. And then there's the cry baby. Jack don't play that. That kid is his least favorite of all. Anyone who knows me can attest I am the same way with people who I don't click with... my theory? Why waste your time?
I know Jack likes her to the core. He doesn't notice that she looks different than he does. He just notices that she speaks audibly. She's easy to play with, and she's cute. I hope he holds onto that. As adults, we fall into our own "comfort zones" of like people. Most often than not that means being around people who look like us. For Jack it's still simple. He plays with the person he likes most. And besides, he's always liked pretty girls.
21 September 2006
Happy 4th Anniversary to us!
Big plans you ask? Big for us. Dinner @ PF Changs and then ... season premiere of Grey's!! (Can you guess who planned the itinerary?)
We got a babysitter (sorry Jack!) so we may also stop at Walmart to get stuff for the impending Notre Dame weekend. This weekend? Nine visitors overnight. Yup, that's what I said, NINE.
Next year we head to New Orleans for the nickel celebration. It will be a repeat of our honeymoon minus a hurricane (hopefully) and adding more turtle soup from Brennan's.
19 September 2006
14 September 2006
Jack's college fund?
A car to beat up @ 16?
It's all depending on this:
Order now and support Jack's future.
(Pretty shameful, don't you think?)
I don't think the book has hit stores yet but I do know Husband will be having a book signing soon enough. Anyone interested?
11 September 2006
Friday night he threw up all over me, the leather couch and then later his pops. After letting loose, he acted like a whole new kid. We hoped he'd just eaten something that didn't agree with him.
Saturday afternoon he and I went shopping with the G-rents. He was a nightmare. Extremely clingy, irrational and just bad. This is not totally uncommon being 2 and all but the three of us were not surprised when I took his temperature and it registered a 101.9.
Sunday he laid around all day. And took two naps. Two naps are insane considering he rarely takes one. He tossed and turned all night. Now I am home with him (after being at work this morning) so Husband can go to work for two hours. @ 1 we'll take him to the doctor. I will head back to work and he will go home with Daddy.
Another day where I wish I was a stay@home mom.
06 September 2006
Seriously, where did the time go? I sound like the 'rents.
Last weekend we went to a MSU game -- barely won -- and a Tigers game -- big L. Husband's family was in town and after too much razzing, I don't think the boyfriend will ever return.
Ahhh, meeting the in-laws (the entire clan, mind you) is quite overwhelming. My first visit with his family was interesting to say the least. Husband didn't tell me it was a "jeans and beer" kind of engagement and I wore a skirt. They must have thought I was out of control. I met his 2.5-year-old cousin and she hated me because she thought Husband was her boyfriend. And then there was his brother. Within a hour or so of meeting me, he called me a name. Not a nice name. We were playing euchre and he didn't like my strategy. Of course now, almost seven years later everything is different... Although Husband's brother still can be a little hardcore playing games.
I should have remembered all these stories to make him feel better. When they had him cornered and demanded to know when he was going to propose to Husband's sister, I should have shouted out in sympathy. "Hey, Buddy! It will be OK!"
But no, not me. Instead, I joined in. As a legal member of the family I technically had a right to the teasing. I reminded him how wonderful Auntie is and gently let him know she could do better. OK, so not so gently. I just said: "You know, she could do better." It was a joke ... Still better than when Husband asked him when he was going to make her an honest women in front of a bunch of older relatives, right?!
Yup, the pseudo-Uncle will definitely never return. (See, he's not technically Jack's uncle because he hasn't married Husband's sister. Catchy name, eh? Not sure which one of us morons made that one up.)
The thing is they brought Jackie a toy: a mini professional soccer ball. You'd think we'd be nicer. Of course, he knows Husband hates soccer. So that's a little sassy too. Right? And he calls Husband "Bag of Donuts" so that's pretty smartarse... wouldn't you say?
The truth is, I do feel bad -- I am sure he'd be glad to know I talked about it here. Good thing the pair doesn't read this blog. I may just get away with it again.
P.S. Jack will never go to another football game until he is at least 12 years old. He was the worst monster I have seen. And his diaper leaked all over my leg. He wasn't impressed in the "football Spartan" game or the band. He and I left during the halftime show. Someday he'll regret it.
30 August 2006
24 August 2006
11 August 2006
I guess the only way my son's life will be documented is if a family member/ friend/neighbor/stranger takes a shot of him. Looking back, 99 percent of the pictures on JWJ are those that did not come from us.
Jack continues to be obsessed with Lion King. At my house we never dare to actually say "Lion King" instead only referring to it as "LK." Unfortunately, Jack also continues to favor Scar the mean uncle who spends the entire movie plotting the deaths of his family. So, what does this say about my cornsilk boy? Not really sure.
Do I dare Google such behavior or check WebMD?
Don't get me wrong: He's not plotting the demise of any family members. But he does roar at you when he's not happy. He roars at bugs when they get too close and he roars at the stupid kid in his class who continuously gets in the way. (That last one I would do to. The kid is the worst!)
So -- at the advice of Ma -- we've restricted him from the movie. As far as he knows Lion King is night-night. Good thing we bought him the movie, and its sequel for his 2nd birthday.
Now instead we've been watching Nemo. (This makes it sound like all the kid does is watch movies which is not true. He watches maybe one a day so he has to choose wisely.) Finding Nemo is a great movie. The graphics are phenomenal and the plot is cute. Additionally, it's much less violent than LK. Dori the fish (Ellen) is hilarious. But you watch anything for weeks at a time, it starts to get old.
I was thinking I would take him the to video store tonight. It is Friday afterall and that's what every suburban mom does on Friday... after visiting WalMart, of course. The only problem is, as soon as we pull into the place, he starts screaming for Simba and the gang. I try to let him pick his own movies which often backfires ... last time he got the most low-budget Curious George episode I had ever seen. It bordered on scary weird.
I am confident my weekend will wrap up to include stupid/freaky kids programming on the main TV and Tigers baseball on the Baseball TV. Yup, that's right. We have a TV designated for Tigers baseball only. Mr. Unmechanical-can't-fix-things-around-the-house was somehow able to jimmy the cable to allow programming on two television sets. Both TVs are currently sitting in our entertainment system.
As my brother and Husband say, "It's a magical summer."
Yeah, real frickin' magical. I got baseball and kids programming to look forward to -- yipee!
All of the sudden a shopping trip to Walmart seems like a good option.
03 August 2006
This weekend kicks off Jack's third and final (hopefully!) party to celebrate his birth. Last weekend we had a little pool party with his cousins and my friends. He's not super keen on swimming. So we spent much of the VERY HOT day playing t-ball which he shared quite well with his cousins. Then presents, then cake, then LION KING again!!
Last week was insane with a wedding of two really close/great friends and a visit from a LA buddy. The wedding went off without a hitch and was gorgeous. The pair are spending the week in the Mayan Riveria. Little bit jealious.
LA Man continues to surprise and intrigue Jack with his book selection. Last year's Richard Scarry book continues to be Jack's No. 1. This year, he shared with Jack a story about meatballs falling out of the sky and a Zen Panda. I am excited for Jack to continue his love for books. So I guess he'll be a car-loving, sports-loving, bookworm. It's possible.
27 July 2006
21 July 2006
The trip went well. Jack was relatively good on the flight down and slept the entire flight back.
More to come...
11 July 2006
We've been talking about the plane ride and the upcoming fishing events so hopefully all goes well. Cross your fingers because my boss will be on the same flight. It will really be a pooper if Jack misbehaves.
Husband doesn't want to bring his laptop because he said he doesn't want to carry it. I have a feeling we're going to regret this.
07 July 2006
But when you are playing with an almost 2-year-old and he doesn't tell you his plan, it is perhaps the most terrifying experience ever.
I was home Wednesday July 5 with Jack; Husband was at work. After a leisurely breakfast and a quick run to the nursery to grab more flowers for the yard, Jack and I were going to spend the afternoon watering, weeding and planting. I pulled out the wagons, grabbed the Miracle Grow and the proper tools.
We have a mini Red Ryder that was actually mine that Jack loves to push. Yes, I said push. He's not 100 percent on the pulling thing. Anyway, I loaded up his wagon and together we started to walk toward the backyard. About halfway from the center of the side yard, he got tired. He got distracted. He wasn't going to push the wagon any longer. So I told him to stay right there and I would come back and get his wagon for him. I quickly pulled the larger wagon to the back.
Picture this: Our sleepy neighborhood just after noon on a Wednesday. In the distance you can hear a lawn mower buzz. Occasionally, a train blows through town. It was a perfectly gorgeous day. No reason to be alarmed.
I came back around the corner and saw Jack's tippy cup in the grass with his little cap beside it. No Jack. OK, I said to myself, he must have wandered to the front yard to sit on the porch. Sitting on the porch watching cars go by is a favorite pastime these days. I called out his name as I went around the corner. Nothing. No Jackie. I wasn't quite panicked yet.
I went around the other side of the house. The neighbors have two yipping dogs. Certainly he went to look at them. I moved quickly to the back. No doggies. No Jack. Now, I screamed his name. I thought maybe he was following me, looking for me, so I started to run back the other way.
1 time round.
I passed the baby-sized wagon, the tippy cup and the cap. I start running. Screaming his name. OVer and OVer.
2 times round.
OK at this point I was flashing back to all the cars I had seen floating through the neighborhood. Were any shady? Did they steal my child? IS JACK OK? DID SOMEONE HURT HIM? Then I thought of my Husband. What would I tell him? He would kill me for taking my eyes off his boy for 30 seconds. And rightfully so! He's not even 2! What was I thinking? Isn't it the picuturesque neighborhoods where the cute little boys get nabbed? Panic was full fledged at this point. I was yelling his name. People in Detroit could hear me. I turned and started running the other direction.
3 times round.
I came around the corner again toward where I had last seen him. I thought I heard a faint "Mama!" I instantly thought he must be hurt, scared, crying. He didn't know where I was! I am the worst mother ever. I started sprinting, calling his name.
And then, there he was ... his little Dennis the Menace T-shirt and shorts. Big smile.
"Hi Mama!"
I didn't know if I wanted to hug him or kill him. First hug, then a stern warning about doing it again and a firm grasp on his shoulders.
I asked him where he was and didn't he hear me calling for him?
"In the bush,'' he said pointing to the oversized evergreen bush that grows on the side of the house.
He was in the bush.
So he totally saw me running around like an insane person looking for him. And apparently, he thought it was funny.
I guess maybe I was being punished for when my brother and I used to pretend to get attacked by sharks in the ocean.
It's just really not funny.
29 June 2006
28 June 2006
How many times a day do we hear that?!
Jack has discovered the wonderful world of Disney. And for the first time since I can remember he's choosing something besides Elmo.
Lion! Lion! Lion! -- When we get home from school. Lion! Lion! Lion! When he's avoiding bedtime. And then yesterday when I pulled up to the video store (to return Lion King) he immediately shouted, LION! LION! and pumped his fist.
We have rented the frickin' Lion King, Lion King 1 1/2 and Lion King 2 too many times!!
Yesterday stood in the kids section for nearly a half an hour and he just kept going back to it. I tried to get him to want Robin Hood.
"Look Jackie," I said. "A fox! A bear! Isn't that so cool?"
Unimpressed, he handed it back to me.
Then I tried Lady and the Tramp.
"Look Jack,'' I pleaded. "A doggy! See the doggy?!"
"Ohhh! Doggy! Woof-Woof!" he said smiling.
(I added that to our pile.)
Then he spotted Curious George.
"Monkey! Monkey!"
(Grabbed it. I thought things were going better.)
"Lion?! Ma...ma... Lion?!"
I told him Lion was night-night. I know I know it's cruel but give a guy a break! I know every line, every stupid joke. Husband and I can sing every song. (Although, Jack HATES it when we sing. He moans and cries like we are torturing him. He doesn't like it when we repeat lines. He points and yells no at us. He's already embarrassed and unamused by us.)
So then I saw an American Tale. Remember that? Huge when I was a kid. I grabbed it. I figured he would like the music.
Then I grabbed some for me because Hubby is working late practically every night this week: Rumor Has It starring my Jennifer; Grey's Anatomy first season and Pride and Prejudice.
The two of us pile back into the car and drive away. A dinner discussion begins.
Honestly, I am ashamed to mention the only thing he will eat these days. He is being so STUBBORN about food. I starting listing options. Each received a flat no from him. Then a song came on he liked. We jammed out.
Finally home and settled, dinner cooking Jack turns to me and says, "Lion?!"
22 June 2006
A boy in Jack's class was expelled for biting too many times. Where does that leave him as a teenager? We can only hope for the best for him.
The second biter has been moved out of Jack's class into the next "grade" with the thinking that if he tries to nibble on a 3 or 4 year old he'll get popped. I wish I could be there when that happens.
20 June 2006
This past weekend Husband and I went up north for a wedding. Jack went to the D to spend some QT with Ga and Mom. (Oh, yeah, he's calling my mom Mom now.) They had him swimming and blowing bubbles. They took him to see Disney's CARS movie and went for a walk. He had a blast. He's already at the stage where he hates to leave his g-rents.
I can still remember how sad it was to leave Pennsylvania after a whirl-wind weekend with my grandparents. It took around 8 hours to get there and we'd try to cram an entire weekend of both my grandmother's food and visiting in less than 48 hours. I'd beg my parents to leave me there but it never happened. The ride back to Detroit was always a bear. Undoubtedly one of us would get car sick -- usually the little sister but sometimes big bro -- which made the rest of the car ride nasty.
It's crazy how kids just know their grandparents. I think Jack's third word was Ga -- and he may have been saying that before "Mama!"
Jack will be 2 in about a month. Can anyone believe that?! Of course he acts like he's about 12. He's such a ridiculous talker. His teacher told me the other day that he talks better than the 4 and 5 year olds. If she asks him a question, instead of saying yes or no, he tells her a story.
He's a real corker.
I'm off to another funeral tonight. My oldest friend lost her stepfather to cancer. It's pretty devastating really. I drive to Chicago tonight and then spend the day tomorrow. Send your love and good thoughts her way.
08 June 2006
A: When you're almost-2-year-old starts talking like a trucker.
How cute! A potty-mouthed (but not potty-trained) toddler.
Jack hears every thing that is said in front of him. He digests it, learns it and regurgitates it. Yesterday, he used a rated R word.
Remember how funny every one thought it was in Meet The Parents with the baby keeps swearing? Remember? So cute, people thought! So catchy.
Not so much. It's bad. Real bad.
Worse? He used it appropriately. Again and again. I immediately called the child expert in my pool of friends. Her response? "OMG! He's so smart! He notices every thing! I can't believe he used it correctly!"
Hmmm... not really helpful, right?
So we tried scolding him. We ignored him. We pretended he was saying different words. And maybe he is right? RIGHT?!
Husband and I have been trying to clean up our acts. But things happen. Stub a toe? @#$^@@! Break a glass? #%^$&!! Watch Sopranos on TV? Every other word. But now we realize we are destined to Bednobs and Broomsticks, PollyAnna and Lion King for the next 15 years or so.
No more can we watch our movies with him playing quietly in the other room or sitting on the couch cuddling. No more my little Jack.
And when he's 10 and he asks me why he can't watch a Rated R movie, I will remind him that it's just not a good idea. I will tell him we used to let him but he used these words in front of people who don't want to hear a blond haired beauty say dirty words.
And then he will hate me.
06 June 2006
The murder was especially brutal. Her daughter had been jogging in a nearby park when she was attacked from behind. The killer had left her for dead in a wooded area off the trail. It rained for several days before she was found washing away crucial evidence and keeping her murder a mystery for years and years.
As her mother, she made it her mission to find out who took her only daughter. She banged on doors and talked to everyone she could. She started a local support group for other parents of murdered children. The first time I talked to her, I honestly just needed a second source for a story about some other local murder. My heartless editor at the time had given me no background except that she was an advocate. I had no idea who she was, what she had done and on deadline that night I don't how much I cared. I had no idea she was the step-grandmother of a close friend from college. It wasn't until a year later when the police finally got a break in the case that I grew to totally understand all that she'd done.
Now that I am a mother, I think about what she and her family must of gone through the moment her daughter didn't come home in a totally different light. The fear, anger, sorrow. I really have to wonder how she kept going. And not only kept going, but made the decision to turn it into something good.
I don't know what I would do if someone murdered Jack. I think I would want to murder that person. I don't know if I'd become an advocate or just a shell of person. I don't know if I could get past the anger. I just don't know if I'd have the strength she had. She became the rock for so many other people.
I take comfort in knowing she's with her daughter. I can imagine what that reunion was like in my heart. The sense of relief and pure joy must have been amazing for them both. And though I am sad she has passed leaving behind her family here, I feel real excitement for her to be with her baby she's missed for so long.
31 May 2006
All of us: Husband, Ma and Ga were worried about how Jack would react to nearly eight hours in the car. But he did very well. He barely made a peep of complaint the entire time. True, he'd tell us he was stinky when he wasn't surely to get released from the straps of his carseat but other than that, there was little conflict.
Spending four solid days with him with minimal interruption was enlightening. Life has been insane all Spring so I guess I hadn't noticed all the little things he can do now.
1. He can run. And when he does, he's fast. He's even got a little swagger. His hair is so long these days, the cornsilk blows in the wind as he takes off.
2. He can really talk. Of course I knew he could but bringing in people who don't see him all the time -- Ga, Ma and Great Ga -- you come to realize just how well he holds a conversation. And let's remember he's not even 2. At a restaurant Monday I asked him if he'd like cheese and he said as clear as day: "I don't want cheese." At this point he's supposed to complete two or three words tops. That's a four-worder with a contraction properly used! Amazing.
3. He notices everything. While there, we visited a home/hardware store that had a mini waterfall on display. He loved it. He and Daddy played with the water the entire time we were in shopping for fun things like electrical cords and light fixtures. The prices there were outstanding and with the new house, we couldn't pass it up. ANYWAY, the next afternoon we drove by the store and decided to stop in for a few last items. As soon as we pulled in the parking lot, Jack got excited yelling WATER!! WATER!! What a memory! We were all shocked.
4. He's a man's man. He loves rocks, dirt, bugs. He likes getting dirty, climbing, throwing balls. He thinks it's funny to wrestle. He thinks it's funny to be sweaty. He wants to do whatever Daddy and Ga are doing and is furious if we make him stay behind with the girls.
5. He thinks he's a grown-up. The kid refuses anything babyish. No bib. No crib. No night-night without Mama and Daddy. He will not sit in a shopping cart and don't even insult him by putting him in a high chair. He laughs along with conversations and if you ask him what he thinks, he'll have input.
Yesterday at school he was bitten two times. Once on each forearm. When his teacher told me about it she said Jack was a tough kid and never shed a tear. Instead, it was more heartwrenching because you could tell he was offended by the invasion. Legally, she can't tell me who bit his arms but told me if I asked him he'd tell me. After a quick run to the drug store (where we had to buy two super balls) we were settling in for dinner and a first-time viewing of Aladdin and I said to him... "Jackie. You have two new boo-boos. What happened?" He pointed to the first one and said, "No, J.J." and then pointed to the next and said, "No Siler. NO!" And then he calmly put his spoon in his Mac and Cheese and continued watching the Disney classic.
Now, how many 21 month old kids can do this? He's setting quite the precedent for all future babies and cousins, that's for sure.
22 May 2006
Our insurance company has pulled through. The company will pay for our damages and fight our association.
So what does that mean for our boy?
1. He may actually get a sibling someday.
2. College is much more likely.
3. A car at 16 -- 70 percent.
4. Food? Absolutely.
We are now back playing the baby name game and talking about the possibility of Baby #2 or Deuce as the Hubbie has affectionately named the new addition.
No, I am not preggers so don't even think that but thankfully this insurance news makes it a dreamable dream.
19 May 2006
09 May 2006
- We went to Florida on vacation. While there, Jack got Croup and double ear infections. We didn't make it to the beach one time.
- Our townhouse flooded. The toilet broke and the water caused damage to the ceilings, walls, and flooring throughout the entire house.
- Husband had to take the week off work to try to salvage things in the house -- and bring them to the new house.
- We went to a wedding of an old college roommate and had too much fun. We have three more weddings to go this summer.
- Continue to fight our association and insurance for $$ to fix our house.
- Will likely have to cancel my trip to Vegas and Jack and Husband's trip to Virginia because we don't know what's going to happen with the old house.
- I have a killer cold that makes me sound funny and feel worse.
25 April 2006
I have a stunning announcement to make:
1. Jack refused to smile in his Easter outfit -- not because he didn't like it but because I had interrupted his piano playing. Notice the saddle shoes. 2. Great-Grampa and Jack. I'd like to know what they were talking about, looked serious. 3. Jack is mowing on traditional Slovak Easter food including Easter Cheese (basically a huge cold scrambled egg), kabasa, ham, deviled eggs, sweet potatoes and ... Yogurt? OK, so yogurt isn't part of it but if the kid will eat it, we'll give it to him. (Of course most kids his age love Chicken Nuggets, mine he's all about Slovak food. Way to embrace the roots!!) 4. Jack has the ability to mimic his uncle perfectly... check out the faces. Not sure if that's a good thing. 5. Jack, post nap, grabbing a bottle from the fridge. 6. This one he will someday kill me for taking... don't you just see me showing his girlfriends how he loved to walk around in high heels? Pink ones no less.
18 April 2006
So then he went on to do his animal noises, adding in the latest -- elephant. I tried to show him how you can turn your arm into a trunk but it didn't exactly turn out for him, instead his fist was shoved in his mouth and a muffled shrill came out.
Next, the ducky. This is my favorite. He's got the quack down perfect but the best part, the unbelievably adorable part, is the flapping of his arms. He folds his baby arms into a v-wing and flaps them around. My description doesn't do it justice.
Husband's favorite: The dragon. He roars and stretches his arms out in an "attack" mode. He doesn't have the arms down quite as well and often ends up looking like Superman with a bad attitude.
The cow: This is also a new addition to his bag of tricks. Grandma worked with him on this during a drive through MSU's farms. He remembered what to do even after a brief tutorial. Sadly, there's no real choreography to go with it.
The dog: We had to brush up on this one. He obviously doesn't enjoy it as much as the others and often tries to come up with a bark that sounds more like the roar of the dragon. However, seeing puppies on TV now brings a little bark from his lips.
Kitty: He still hisses. I've tried to get Jack to meow but thanks to Hagan (now happily living on a farm, right?!!) consistently hissing at Daddy, my child will always believe hissing is the cat's first noise ... of course, there may be some truth to that.
13 April 2006
He will be in a classroom with 2 and 3 year olds. He surpassed two kids in his current class that are already 2 and I know he's better than most in the next class he's joining. I wondered if he was bored in his classroom because every time I go in there he seems so annoyed by the criers.
It's funny how much his personality mimics mine, really. I catch him staring at people all the time. I have seen the look before, it's a family trait. My Nana had it, my aunt does it, my mom, my sister and I know I have a problem with it too. It's not a particularly friendly expression really. In fact, Husband was scared of all the women on my Mom's side for the first six months of our relationship because of "THE STARE."
Ah... if only Nana had been around with Husband. He thinks my Mom and Aunt are scary. Nana was the godfather of "THE STARE." Her stare would make you melt -- not that I ever experienced it firsthand. I was, of course, her favorite. Just ask my siblings and cousins!! ;D
The thing is, I know Jack doesn't even realize he's doing it. I don't realize I'm doing it. I can't you how many times friends have pinched me to get off it. It's not really a glare -- but it's more of a glare then a glance. We don't smile, but we're not really frowning either. Some of us use the squint technique -- not so much me, but sister does -- and so does the kid.
Husband told me when he drops Jack off in the mornings, he rarely speaks to anyone. He just walks into his classroom, takes off his coat and gets to business. Now, some people may think that's rude but I know he doesn't. He's just focused on what he needs to do. Unlike his father who likes to be friendly and "Mr. Fun Guy.'' Jack has been (blessed? or cursed?) with coolness. I do wish he was somewhere in the middle. Nice, but reserved, you know? My whole life people have thought I was bitchy even when I thought I was being perfectly nice.
One thing's for sure, I can't wait to find out if he's sarcastic. There's nothing better than sarcasm... and I not being sarcastic about that.
11 April 2006
I wasn't sure that Husband would be thrilled with them. They are classic and preppie and everything I like, but I was worried they may be too much.
Jack is also very quick to let me know when he doesn't like what he's wearing -- this includes a pair of teal socks that was included in a multi-color pack I got him. He hates them. He squeals and tugs and tries to rip them off. The only way he'll wear them is if he's sporting his little red Converse hightops because then you can't see them. Now, I can understand a boy doesn't want to wear teal socks but if its Saturday and they are clean, who cares? He does.
Anyways, the saddle shoes. I was at the mall on my lunch break pulling together his Easter outfit when I saw the shoes and just about died for them. So cute. They are white and navy. I really didn't even care what he wore after finding those. (Completely untrue: I went to three stores and even had the salesgirl put something on hold at another mall so I could get exactly what I wanted. Jack, Hub and I picked it up last night after dinner.)
Jack loves shoes but he's very particular -- as mentioned above. I told him I got him new shoes. He was excited... He ripped into the bag. He pulled them out. Slowly smiled. Then said, "New blue shoes! New blue shoes! On! On!" and immediately began to tear off his Converse.
I have never heard him say blue and actually be right. It was an amazing moment. So we quickly put them on. He danced around the room (literally) and smiled.
"New blue shoes!"
03 April 2006
So I wonder if he'll be happy to know that I am headed on another weeklong whirlwind next month. Yup, I am going to guess he'll have the same reaction as Husband. A sigh and a shake of the head. Such is life I guess.
Three trips down, one to go. That's not bad, right? Right?!!
Jack is finally starting to eat. And he wants to eat whatever we are eating. It doesn't matter if its salsa or gorganzola cheese, he's going to dip his finger in, suck it off and say... "MMmmm..." or he may say "hot." Everything is hot if there's anything unusual about it. Ice cream, hot. Sour, hot. Salty, hot.
We keep trying to tell him the correct words but he insists that a brain freeze from ice cream is "hot."
23 March 2006
After a whirlwind few weeks, Husband to Indy, Husband to Dayton, Jack to the D, me to St. Louis, me to NYC, we are finally settled ... sort of ... tons of our stuff is still in storage and at our old house (no, we haven't sold it yet) and we have stuff at the 'rents house we are picking up this weekend. Oh, and next weekend? I head to SC for a bachelorette party with my friends. (Really glad I have lost the weight I needed to ... Just kidding!! Will that ever happen?)
And I feel a cold creeping. My throat is scratchy and my noise is itchy. I don't see a respite any time soon. In April, I get back from SC and we have Easter, an in-law wedding, a trip to Fla. In May, we have a wedding and a trip to Vegas for me. In June, we have another wedding up north and I have a bridal shower. July, Jack's 2nd birthday, a trip to Nashville and two more weddings.
Helloo August? Are you out there?
10 March 2006
We closed on the house in Okemos Wednesday. That night we managed two loads from the old house and then had to pack Husband for his weekend. Last night, I unloaded one car and parked the other (filled to the brim) in the garage. Jack wasn't really interested in me doing any unpacking or unloading and of course he had a stinker diaper while we were there.
Today, the g-rents arrive so they can let in the plumber and cable guy. Dad has to detach the washer and dryer at the old house so when the movers come tomorrow they can take it. This morning I wrestled with the cable box and couldn't get it to let go of the VCR so I just took both, still attached. They must have tools, right? I wonder if they need a TV to set it up? We'll see I guess. @#$^ I didn't even think of that until just now... Dad will know. Tonight we sleep at the new place on air mattresses. Let's hope the b-ball team loses so Husband can come home to help.
Jack is having a blast in the new house. Of course there's no furniture now so he's kicking his ball around -- through the living room, into the dining room, in the kitchen, in the family room and again. Then he flies up the stairs and into the room he picked and giggles... and then he goes again. The kid is in heaven.
Sunday I leave for St. Louis until Thursday. Husband will likely be gone the entire week as well. Jack goes to T-Town. Good luck to Ga and Ma, I say!! I am worried about being gone so long. He's a bit of a Mama's boy and I want to keep it that way.
02 March 2006
I like seeing what crazy outfits the girls come up with (never flattering by the way) and what songs they choose and the reeming from Simon. I like to try to figure out if Paula is on drugs (because we think she is) and get annoyed by Randy and his "dawgs."
In a time where TV offers little for entertainment, it's nice to have something new to watch.
But the real reason I like watching AI is to see my son bop along. Jack could be, should be and maybe one day will be involved with entertainment. As you all know, he loves to dance but these days he's all about singing too. He has a little routine going that's priceless.
When a preformer is on who he likes, he immediately jumps up to dance. He grabs his play drumstick for a microphone, stands to the left of the TV set and sings along. He dances with passion, punching the air at the climax, dancing in the musical interludes and then claps when it's over. Now, there are songs (and Idol hopefuls) he doesn't care for -- in those instances he sticks out his tongue and says, "Blech!"
On Tuesday, he added to his ritual when he flipped over our ottman and stood in the center of it to perform creating a "stage."
Husband was working in his office and missed his performance, his committment to excellence. So when he came to hang out, I told him about it. He just laughed said it was cute but I knew he'd be blown away if he actually saw it unfold. So I told Jack to perform for Daddy.
And what did he say? "No."
That was that. Husband missed out on a moment in time that I will never forget -- or so I thought.
Last night we rented Walk the Line -- the movie about Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash. It was really quite good. (Reese better win the big O.) And there is music throughout. Jack loved it. We thought for sure he'd fall asleep after he realized it wasn't an Elmo movie but he hung on for a while jamming to the Cash classics. Then all of the sudden I noticed he'd set up his stage. He was rummaging through his toybox for one of his drum sticks. He climbed into the ottoman and sang his heart out.
Pretty big accomplishment to sing with Cash at 19 months.
28 February 2006
It's a serious problem that his father and I can't shake.
We've tried to rationalize with him.
We try to distract him from the problem.
Nothing seems to work.
He can't shake it.
I wonder if there's a 12 step program for him.
The kid can't get enough. All day, all night, it's all he can think about ... He's even given up other pleasures. He has to be exposed to it and quickly calls out for more before it even runs out.
21 February 2006
Jack was oooing and ahhhing throughout the first half. He was shaking his hips and dancing up a storm. Of course he was sitting with Grandpa because, afterall, Ga is his favorite person. He sat and stared and barely blinked, jamming popcorn in his mouth. And when it was time for the intermission, the whole theater deflated. Jack turned to us with his hands up in question and said ...
"Where's Mo?" (Mo -- that would be Elmo.)
Then, in sign language, he began to say "More." "More." Immediately, we told him Mo had to take a break but he'd be back. Luckily, the theater piped Sesame Street music overhead so I handed him his bottle and he waited patiently dancing along to the music from, "I gotta new way to walk."
Let's just say the plot wasn't award winning. And the human element was strange. And there were three new muppets introduced we didn't like. We were all disappointed to see Grover wasn't a participant. But it was so worth it.
Last night, my grandpa called and talked with Jack on the phone. Jack was jabbering away telling him that we went in the car to go see Mo. Obviously, it was slightly less clear but both my Mom and I heard him say it. Honestly.
New updates on how smart he is: For President's Day, he was in the D with my parents. These examples are from his Ma. Please remember is not even 19 months old.
- He saw an ant in the kitchen. So, saying "uh-oh" he ran into the family room, grabbed a tissue and then ran back to try to kill it. (Ma did the dirty work.)
- He opened the refrigerator door and pointed to the Pedisure shake and said, "More."
- He turned on the computer and went on the Internet (with some assistance from Ma.)
- He completed many commands including putting things away where they belong.
17 February 2006
Is it bad that we are half way through February and I have only written nine posts for 2006? I'd say, yes.
Interesting news on the house: Needs a new roof and some windows replaced. So apparently we are cursed. And apparently I will be living in my small townhouse for the rest of my life. Hopefully, Jack won't mind cramming into a house with only one full bath. If we have any additional offspring, we'll just throw them in Jack's room because it's big enough for that ... just kidding! I guess I will just never get to set up my grandmother's dining room set or actually enjoy the things that once belonged to my maternal grandparents that are currently in a box in my parents basement. No, really, that's cool.
I am being overly dramatic. I know I am. But it's so tiring and hard to buy a house. The fun of it is over. I hope this house will work out and we can come up with some sort of compromise with the current owners. There is no guarantee. And I know there are other houses out there but I already pictured us filling up this one. I saw Jack running through the living room, into the dining room, through the kitchen and then the family room only to repeat it as he squealed out in joy because he had some where to run. Next winter I saw Jack riding a little bike around the basement. I even (gasp) saw Baby #2 in what would be (I want to say her for some reason) bedroom. My mom and I had already come up where furniture would go. I already knew how I would set up Jack's room. Ahhh!
We'll see what happens.
Today we head back to the D. Husband and I have to get some precancerous moles removed (yes, we are old and very,very white). There's a game Saturday but then Sunday... we are going to Sesame Street Live!! I can't wait! No, it's not because I have a love for Elmo and the gang but I just can't wait to watch Jack react. We are meeting up with the Grosse Pointe cousins. I hope he has the time of his life because the next few weeks are going to be rough on him.
13 February 2006
All I can say is: Daycare is rough! I can only hope Jack and I will build an immunity to this crap that is floating around. Ever since I had mono a few years ago, my body can't even handle the common cold without it turning into something full-blown. It's unbelievable. Of course, then I am the jerk who comes to work with it.
Interesting update: We bought a house this weekend. I know, I know we've done it before but this time it's not contingent on our selling our house (although someone is going through it tonight so cross your fingers). The inspection will be sometime this week so let's all hope this is the one. We drove by it for the 80th time last night and we all agree it's perfect for us. I will only post the picture and details after I know it's a for sure thing.
Chicago was fun. I think Jack may have scared his aunt and uncle out of having children of their own because he is so frickin' active! He was all over the place -- playing with poker chips, going through cabinets, throwing stuff down the stairs, touching their new HDTV flat screen. He wasn't really being bad he was just excited to be in a new place. He did let them hug him a few times which surely gained him some brownie points.
This week kicks off the most ridiculously busy time for us. Hubby leaves for Iowa tomorrow morning (he just got back from Minnesota yesterday). This weekend we head to the D for Sesame Street Live with all the cousins. The next weekend Hubby goes to Indiana. We close on our house March 8. On the weekend Hubby goes to the Big 10 tournie. Jack and I go back to the D and I fly out for St. Louis for week on that Sunday. The first round of the NCAA starts (hopefully it will be at the Palace). I get back the 16th and then have the 17th off. That Monday, the 20th, I fly to NYC for a conference and hopefully Husband will be home in time. I fly back from NYC *hopefully* Tuesday night and Hubby leaves for Round 2 of the tournie, location unknown. I don't know what my plans are for Jack and I (unpacking?!) The next week is the Final Four. I go to Myrtle Beach for a bachelorette party and Hubbie's mom is coming up. And that rolls us to April.
Could we complicate our lives more?
03 February 2006
Last weekend we were in Kzoo with the in-laws. Jack had a blast with his 8-year-old cousin (our flowergirl) and played like a banshee all weekend. He refused to nap and instead played in a tent that once belonged to his elder cousins. (That tent, by the way, is now up and in my very tiny living room.)
He wasn't too interested in Maya. He pointed at her and even kissed her forehead but that was it. He wanted back in the tent.
One unfortunate incident: He bit Husband's aunt. It was kind of slow motion, really. He wanted to play with knives that were in a wooden block on the counter. She moved him away from the blocks. He got mad but walked away and then slowly turned his head, opened his mouth and CHOMPED on her leg. It was bad. She said she didn't care but who the hell wants a kid attached to their inner thigh? And my kid can chop it up. I know it must have hurt.
Last night we went to get his second haircut. I wasn't completely thrilled to do it but everytime Husband looked at Jack, he'd make a comment about his hair. OK, so maybe he was beginning to look a little like Prince Valant but he looked good. Long hair is in now, right?
We were a little nervous Jack wouldn't like sitting in the chair and getting his golden locks snipped away. But he was great. He didn't like the smock and he kept messing with it. But once the girl sprayed his hair wet, and I handed him a bottle, he was as good as gold. He sat there sipping on his milk and watching every cut. When it was over, he ran his fingers through his hair and tugged on what was left. I had told the girl to trim it but Jack looks like he's 16 now. It makes me sad.
Later he fell asleep on the couch and when he woke up, he remembered and immediately ran his fingers through his hair. He tugged on the sides. He seemed OK with it. Personally, I still miss the baby curls that were cut off the first time.
26 January 2006
Yesterday while trying to clean up before Husband's mother came to visit, I came up with a little game to keep Jack preoccupied. It was called, "Please put this away for Mama." The game itself was about as fun as 52 card pickup but he's 18 months old. He doesn't know the difference.
Jack caught on quickly. Truthfully, he was only in charge of two things: throwing things away in the trash after I told him and picking up loose change. I have an oversized super-cheesy Coke bottle that's a bank. Jack loves putting $$ in it. So much, in fact, that after he collected all the loose change from our bedroom floor, he started scouring the entire upstairs for more coinage. When that was done, he motioned "more" in sign language. That's when I came with putting stuff in the garbage.
Digging around under the bed I found tons of surprises -- pacificers, old (unused) diapers, toys, a remote control and other goodies. Jack knew where everything thing went. And he got on a roll. I began not having to tell him where to put stuff. Most of the things in our room belonged there they were just out of place.
Later, I was getting his bath water ready when I noticed a travel sized shampoo and conditioner that I had bought for my cancer walk but never finished. Guess where it was? On the outside corner of the tub where those products go. I think that's pretty impressive.
Along with that,
Jack's teachers told me last week Jack likes to hand out the other kids jackets when their parents arrive. Apparently, when he sees a mom he immediately runs to that kid's coat and then runs it that parent. Think about that: not only does he know who belongs to each coat, he knows everyone's parents.
If that doesn't cause you to say "wow" nothing will.