30 November 2005


I know everyone is waiting on pins and needles to hear about our trip to Maui. I have decided to wait until I get pictures back so I can fully illustrate our adventure.

Instead, I will dedicate this entry to my favorite holiday character:


Tonight marks a very monumental evening for my son and me. Tonight we will share a holiday moment that I have lived for my entire life. Tonight we will watch the best Christmas special ever.

It airs at 8 p.m. on CBS.

Tonight we will rush home, eat dinner, play a bit. Then we'll get Jack in the bath and pjed-up. Together we will cuddle on the couch to start the tradition that I so enjoyed every year I can remember as a child. There's nothing better...

Let's talk a bit about my serious love for Rudolph .

The majority of my Christmas decorations continue to be reindeer related. But that's nothing amazing.

How about leaving carrots out for Rudolph only when most kids left cookies for Santa? Or how about the fact that last week I bought myself a tee shirt from Walmart that has a big picture of the red-nosed hero? But perhaps the best is the fact that as a child I asked for an autographed picture. Yup. I was in elementary school and that's what I wanted. And I got it!!

I really believed it was an actual picture of him. I didn't care that it was a black and white shot. My Papa (maternal grandfather) told me he only did black and whites. I didn't challenge that his nose wasn't a light bulb. Papa told me he was able to "save" the red in the off season. And I certainly didn't think it was strange that he was able to sign his name (in red ink of course) though he didn't have a thumb. I actually took it to school to show everyone.

Recently (in the last five years) I bothered to flip the picture over. On the back was a stamp from National Geographic. And it's strange how similar Rudolph's handwriting and Papa's handwriting were... really strange.


By the way, yesterday Jack went to the doctor for a well-baby check-up.

His measurements: 34 inches tall, 27 lbs.

17 November 2005

Day LXV -- 3 days

I mean six weeks goes by really damn fast. We leave for Hawaii on Sunday. Can you believe it? I can't! I feel like we have been planning this trip forever!

This will likely be the last post before the trip. Tonight I have to finish packing. Tomorrow we are in a parade and Ga is coming up for the night. Saturday will be spent getting myself ready -- nails, hair, etc. And Sunday morning we are off.

So I called Jackson's doctor to find out if the office has any pointers for traveling with a toddler. After being put on hold for too long, I got transferred to the office nurse. (This is the same woman who told us Jack would be fine when he had Croup only to later spend three days in the hospital.) Anywho, I explained the flying situation and asked her for any ideas she could offer.

Guess what she said to do?
Drug him. And then she laughed.

Hmmm... that sounds like sound advice, doesn't it? I am sure the doctor would be thrilled to know the brilliant word selection her nurse used. I was shocked. Sure, I'd heard from other parents that I should give him medicine to help him sleep but this? She suggested 1.5 teaspoons of Benadryl every six hours. And she told me to start about 30 minutes before take off. And she said Jack should be drinking something at take-off and landing.

Of course when I shared this information with my dad he immediately told me to find another pediatrician.

Later, I was talking to a colleague about it and what the nurse had said. She told me it's important to give babies Dimetapp or Benadryl when flying because the air pressure will hurt their ears and make them feel uncomfortable. The medicine will relieve some of the pain, and make them feel more relaxed. Apparently, that's what her doctor told her. Now that made it seem like good, sound, sensible advice. That explanation didn't cause me to feel creeped out or guilty.

Maybe it is time for a new doctor...

14 November 2005

Day LXIV -- 6 days

Yeah, yeah. It's been more than a week since I last posted you on the happenings in Jack's life. And trust me it's not like things haven't gone on.

Purdue weekend:
I woke up at 11:30 p.m. with stomach flu and proceeded to be sick all night long. I haven't been that ill since I had yellow Garfield footy pajamas. It was awful. The 'rents were in Pa. My in-town girlfriend was out of town and Hubbie was on the road. I called former Nanny now nursing student who was delivering pizzas until 4 a.m. to come over. He was left with Jackson until 8:30 p.m. the next night.

The week:
I have no idea what happened. It's a complete blank.

Last weekend:
Hubbie headed off to Minnesota and the Kid and I went to the D. I had a journalism/PR conference where members of the panel were former State News staffers which really made me laugh that they were supposed to be "leading."

Then we shopped for the Hawaii trip. We shopped all night Saturday. We shopped all day Sunday. Jack was the best behaved kid I have ever seen -- no joke.

He didn't cry or squirm or complain at all. People actually stopped us to comment on how good he was... it was incredible. True, while shopping for the wedding gift he grabbed something off the shelves in the fine collections area but luckily it was sterling. He just liked it because it was shiny. True, he had to stop in front of every store to dance (he especially enjoyed the Abercrombie and Fitch for Kids store).

This of course brought him more compliments and admiration from strangers. He walked from the bridge between the North and South side of Somerset Mall all the way to Marshall Fields -- an anchor of the mall. If you're not familiar that is really, really far. It was a site especially since he still doesn't bend his knees.

He refused to hold my hand. He refused to hold Grandma's hand. Two ugly teenagers nearly ran him over and then laughed when he fell. I wanted to kick their trendy asses but he wasn't phased. He just picked himself up, literally brushed off his hands and kept on walking. Things did get a little out of hand in Marshall Fields so we had to scoop him up and lock him into a stroller now provided by the department store. But as long as we kept moving, he was fine just staring at people.

Hawaii prep:
Yeah, that's kinda funny. I have started Jack's luggage. Unfortunately, I realized last night our big suitcase is in storage right now. One, two, three NOT IT to go and get that! I have concocted a plan of action. Every night after work I will hit one local store to get the last minute necessities. (I have not shared this idea with the boy yet so who knows how he'll react!) Tonight: WALMART. They sell BullFrog block for babies which is supposed to be the best to fight off UV and cancer-causing rays.

I just know I will be hitting Meijer at 2 a.m. Saturday night no matter how hard I try to get our family ready.

My goal is to be completely packed by Thursday. But really, what are the chances?

04 November 2005

Day LXIII -- 16 days

So Husband left for Purdue today. That leaves me and the kid alone for the weekend. It should be interesting since Jack's teething right now. It's amazing how much getting a teeny molar really throws him out of wack. Of course the fact that he refuses to nap at school really doesn't help much either.

For the entire week he's come home from school and slept through the night. He may wake up for an hour or so, grab a bottle and nod back to sleep. Last night he couldn't resist the Ritz Bits cheese sandwiches I offered him though. It's his current favorite (also a fav of mine). But instead of chewing on them, he sucked them until they disappeared. I know it sounds disgusting but I thought it was quite brilliant of the boy.

Speaking of brilliance. He's found his nose. And now we annoy him to death asking him about it. "Where's you nose Jackie? Where's your nose? Show Mama your nose... Show Daddy your nose..." He will actually start messing with you if he thinks you're talking about it too much. First he'll point at ours. Then he'll laugh and poke at his eye. Then his mouth. I think he thinks we're morons.


Verbage update:
"OK" (He said this the first time when I said, "Jack, let's go upstairs and take a bath.") It was awesome.
"Let's go!" (This really comes out when we are stuck in traffic or I am dilly-dallying at Meijers.) "Let me out!" (This happened this morning when Husband tried to pin him in. He wanted to follow me out the door as I left for work.)

01 November 2005

Day LXII -- 19 days

Happy Halloween, right?
Doesn't look too happy does he?
This picture was sent to me from Jack's favorite teacher at school. I left work early to get to his first party -- and missed it! I guess when you throw together a bunch of one and two-year-olds the party means a cupcake.